37A. Your Smile Pt. 1 (Sakura/Minju)

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Requested by: Jihadalfian

Also I'd like to thank these people for lending me the pics for this oneshot:



All your life, you were searching for someone to give you the happiness that you need.

But when you finally found that person, do you think that happiness with them will last forever?

If not, will you do anything to keep it alive, for both your sake?

What will happen if one of you suddenly decided to give up that friendship?

Will you try to salvage what you thought you had lost, or just throw it all away and accept the harsh reality?

In the end, only you will know the answer.

"Remember class, this will be included in your exam next week, so study hard and I hope that you will all pass. You can do it."

The class suddenly began talking among themselves, thinking that another weight has been added to the things that they will study in preparation for next week's test.

"Everyone, be quiet. You'll all be fine. If there are no more questions, then that's all for today. Have a safe trip on your way home." The teacher said to them, as he dismissed the class for the day.

As each student heads out of the classroom one by peers, you were simply walking by your lonesome. Your face was filled with jealousy the more you saw your classmates being fond to each other. You however, got transferred at the last minute, making it difficult for you to get acquainted with them.

But not everything seemed bad to you, for there are two people who went out of their way to try and be friends with you, even if they're not from the same class.

"Psst! Y/N, over here." A girl quietly said to you while hiding from a corner.

"Huh? Sakura-noona, what are you doing?" You asked.

"Just do as I say and hide behind me. Come on, it'll be fun." She said with a grin.

Left with no choice, you obeyed her and hid yourselves away from anyone's sight.

"Why are we hiding like this? Did you get yourself into some kind of trouble, Sakura-noona?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Kkura? As for your question, the answer is no. I'm just here to mess with someone." She said, while hinting at the person whom she is planning to play a prank on.

"Yah, not again! I really pity her for always being your victim, Kkura. She's your best friend for goodness' sake!"

"I know, and that makes it more fun. Now be quiet. Here she comes." Sakura said while pointing at the girl  who was walking past you.

The two of you kept on watching her as she starts to look for you, her face showing that she was worried that you and Sakura had already left. Meanwhile, Sakura was barely containing her laughter as her best friend, Kim Minju, ran outside to try and look for her.

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