84. Once Again (Lia)

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Requested by: Jung_DanDan

After I wrote this, I can say that I finally managed to write at least a single oneshot for each member of Itzy. Hope you like this one.

Lastly, today's also the first year anniversary of this oneshot book. I can't believe that I've been writing oneshots for a year now, and it's all thanks for everyone who's requesting, reading or simply supporting each of my stories. I can't thank you all enough for doing so, and I hope that you'll continue supporting this book until the 100th oneshot, which is also the last story for this book :)

Y/N's POV:

They say that you'll only be able to know the true value of something once it's gone.

In my experience, that expression couldn't be further from the truth, as I had experienced it firsthand.

Granted, what I'd lost wasn't even tangible, for it is a feeling that I firmly held on to the point where it became an irreplaceable part of my life.

I thought that it would forever remain in my heart, for she and I helped to nurture it the moment we confessed each other's feelings.

Losing something that's so important like it never even crossed my mind, until the day when my dreams of sharing a future with her became anything but.

"Y/N, let's break up." She said as she looked at me, with her eyes giving away a feeling of sadness and grief, a complete opposite of the happiness that it brings whenever she smiles at me.

"No! Please Jisu-ya, don't say that! I can-"

"Don't say such words anymore, Y/N. No matter what we do to try and make things work out between us, it never did. It's because of me, for these days I barely had enough time to spend with you. I know what you're about to say to me, but I can't accept the fact that you're the only one who's doing everything you can to keep us together. It's unfair for you, and I looked like the person who's taking it all for granted. You deserve someone who can love you more than I could, but I'll be forever grateful for giving me a chance to be with you."

The moment she said all those words to me, I felt like my life began crashing down.

She meant everything to me, and I couldn't imagine what will happen once she's no longer by my side.

I wanted to say something to her, but I was too overwhelmed by my emotions that I became incapable of finding the right words to convince her to stay.

All she felt was guilt, and the tears that I saw fell from her eyes before she left were borne from that feeling.

Once she's gone, I was unable to do anything else but to feel regret.

I cried the whole night, knowing that I won't be able to see her anymore like I used to.

The relationship that we both cherished together will just be a lasting memory, and the thought of it always brings me on the verge of grief.

My life became empty after wards, as I found myself simply existing, but not living like the rest of the people around me.

Then, the time came when my friend, or should I say acquaintance, suddenly called me from out of the blue.

To be honest, I never liked him, especially when it comes to his opinions about relationships.

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