1A. Mistaken (Minju)

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Genre: Angst

Requested by: Xcisse

It was just an ordinary school day when you went towards the canteen for lunch with your friends. You were just an ordinary student, never one to stand out among the people at school. You are both content and disappointed of yourself because of it. On one hand, you were satisfied that people don't pay much attention to you, as you prefer to have it that way. Apart from your brother, your friends and your teachers of course, no one else wanted to talk with you, unless it's absolutely necessary. This way, you know you can spend the rest of your school days at peace.

However, you were also disappointed, and for one reason alone. Because of this, you know that you won't have a chance to talk to someone you have admired for several months now.

That someone is named Kim Minju.

She's a new transfer student who came to your school just recently, and despite that, she quickly became popular among a lot of guys in just a short period of time. She is someone whom you would consider the ideal girl, for she is good-looking, intelligent, talented, and best of all, has a very charming personality that will make anyone admire her. During the first few weeks she arrived, almost every student, both guys and girls, were eager to become friends with her. There were even those who were brave enough to confess to her as well, but as expected, she turned them all down, while also being careful not to make them feel hurt because of it. You knew that she's not interested in dating anyone right now, which somehow made you happy knowing that's the case. But you also felt a bit sad knowing that at least for now, you won't have a chance to ask her out.

Lately however, you noticed strange things about her. Every time she passes by your classroom, she seemed to be trying to gain your attention by looking at you with those beautiful eyes of hers. You can't help but feel happy that she at least notices you, yet you don't know the reason why she does so. It doesn't end there though, as she also does the same thing whenever there's a chance that she sees you at school. Naturally, you started to become curious about it, but you just can't bring yourself to try and ask her why, for you were always a shy person especially when it comes to girls. Even though you want to, you were afraid that maybe her reason is not how you thought it would be which made you brush aside the fact that she's interested in you.

You were having your lunch that day when you saw her chatting with her eleven other friends when you noticed her doing it again. You tried your best to avoid eye contact, but because you like her, you can't help but to take a quick glance towards her direction. She simply gave you a smile then went back to talking with her friends again, as you continued finishing your own food. Thankfully, none of your friends seemed to have noticed it, for you know them well enough that they would never stop poking fun at you if they did.

The rest of the day continued without any problems, with your daily lessons came by quickly than you might have thought.

It wasn't that long when it was time for you to go home. There were no club meetings today, as the exams will start the week after. You patiently waited at the school gates for your brother, Lee Daehwi, who is also a famous soccer player at your school. He too, has no club today, and he wants both of you to walk home together. When he arrived, he quickly went towards you, and gave you a brotherly hug. You always like these simple gestures of his, for he always tries his best to be the kindhearted older sibling to you, while never letting a chance pass by to show it.

You decided to talk to him about Minju's actions lately as you went home together.

"Hyung, I wanted to ask you about something that's been bothering me lately." You said with a serious tone, which made him a bit worried.

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