82A. King and Queen Pt. 1 (Karina)

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Requested by: WJSN4Lyfe

A seemingly curious Yoo Jimin is on her way towards the principal's office for reasons that she doesn't know. Since her name was called through the school's intercom, it's safe to say that every student who is having their lunch break at that time had heard the announcement. Of course, many of them were surprised by this, as Jimin is the type of person who never caused trouble to anyone. This, coupled with her good reputation being the most popular girl in the campus only added to the intrigue.

As she walks down the corridors, she noticed that those who happened to be there were all looking at her. Some had worried looks on their faces, while others simply made way for her, not wanting to get involved any further.

"Why would the principal want to meet me in the middle of the day? Did I cause any sort of problems with a student, or even a teacher? No, I'm perfectly sure I didn't. I guess there's only one way to find out." She thought as she was approaching the two large doors that leads to the office.

When she arrived, Jimin gently knocked on the door, and she was soon greeted by the principal's secretary, who greeted her.

"Good afternoon, seonsaengnim."

"Good afternoon to you too, Jimin-ssi. They're already waiting for you through those doors." The secretary said, furthering her curiosity.


"Yes, that's right. You'll find out who it is. Now go ahead."

Jimin slowly walked towards the inner office doors, all the while feeling nervous as to who the other person is.

But once she entered, she then saw the principal, Mr. Choi, along with a familiar face whom she never wanted to have any business with.

"Ah, finally. You certainly took your time to get here, Ms. Yoo. Then again, it's in the middle of lunch break, so I can understand. If anything, I should be the one apologizing for calling you so abruptly." He began.

"It's okay, sir. I was just about done having lunch along with my friends when I heard the announcement. Umm, I'm sorry for having to ask you this question, but did I do something wrong?"

Her words caused the principal to chuckle as the other person smiled a bit, making Jimin feel a little annoyed when the latter did.

"I'm sorry for laughing a little, but I suppose most students would assume as such whenever they're summoned here at my office. But don't worry Jimin-ssi, for you did nothing of the sort. In fact, I should congratulate you instead for having this kind of opportunity given to you." He said in a cheerful tone.

"I don't understand, sir. What kind of opportunity?"

"A very big one, I must say. I had received a phone call from a representative of a famous clothing brand in Europe yesterday afternoon. They want you to be one of the two official ambassadors for their brand here in Korea, which is tremendous not just for you, but also for our school. But of course, I want to hear from you as well, and that's why I asked you to come here today."

Having heard what Mr. Choi just said, Jimin was elated to hear such news. He was right. An opportunity like that would be too huge to ignore, plus it will help her a lot on her career in the future. Though it was all too sudden, she already knew what her decision is going to be.

However, she can't help but feel curious as to why Lee Y/N, the person who's also there with them, was also called as well.

"Sir, you mentioned that there will be two ambassadors for the clothing brand. If I'm going to be one of them, then the other would be....."

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