22. Precious You (Miyeon)

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Genre: Fluff

Requested by: CerdanAlarilla

This oneshot is a homage to my first book. Enjoy. :)

It was a fine morning to begin another day at school, as you sit together with your parents at the dining table for breakfast.

"Good morning, son. Looking forward to another school day, are you?" Your father said.

"Yes, appa. But I must say, last week's practical exams were quite tougher than I expected." You told him.

"Well I'm glad you got through it, Y/N. We always know you would do well. I'm pretty sure that you've managed to impress your instructor again with your piano skills.'' Your mother said to you.

"That's because you two have always been talented musicians, eomma. The only wish I have with me is that I would be able to live up to your reputation. I want to be as famous as the two of you someday."

"You'll be fine, son. If anything, you're always passionate about your music, and your eomma and I can see it everyday. I'm certain that there will come a time when your talents will be acknowledged as well. Just continue to work hard in perfecting your skills."

"Thanks, appa. I'll always make sure that I keep that in mind."

"By the way Y/N, if I'm not mistaken, the academy's about to choose their representative to perform at the annual music competition this year, right?"

"In two days, to be exact. Why?"

"We were hoping that you would be chosen this year. Judging from your performances at the academy, you might have a higher chance to be picked, right?"

"I'm not going to be so sure about that, eomma. I mean, there's a lot of talented students especially from the seniors, so a second – year student like me would have a lesser chance to be picked this year."

"That may be true Y/N, but that doesn't mean you should feel inferior to them. Don't worry, whether they choose you or not, we would always be proud of you, son." Your father assured you.

"Thanks, appa. That means a lot coming from you."

"Speaking of third – year students, how are things coming along between you and Miyeon-ssi?" Your mother suddenly asked you, while your father gave you a grin.

"W-what do you mean, eomma? She's just a good friend to me, and I always help her a lot. We're n-not like that!" You told them, and you can see the disappointed look on their faces, making you feel a bit guilty.

"Hahaha! You should have seen the look on your face, Y/N! We're sorry about that, but we can't help but feel that you two would be great together. You do remember what I told you about the Violin Romance?" Your dad teased.

"Aish, that's enough my dear. Our son's already tensed enough as he is. All right, run along now Y/N, and good luck today." Your mother told you, as you gave them both a hug before going out to school.

While you were walking, you began thinking of they told you about just now.

"Maybe they're right. There might be a chance that she and I will end up together someday. But at the same time, that's just wishful thinking Y/N. You don't even know what she thinks of you, so don't get your hopes up too much. If you do, you might get hurt in the end." You thought to yourself.

Just as you were about to reach the bus stop, you then saw a girl with a pair of earphones on, who's about to cross the street.

Because of this, she's not aware that there's a car that's about to cross the intersection, and she's about to walk towards the pedestrian lane.

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