23B. Last Friend Pt. 2 (Chaewon)

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Requested by: baguette020

Upon hearing his name after so long, Chaewon was stunned as she felt mixed emotions coursing through her mind. All this time she thought that he was permanently gone from her life, and that her guilt of not granting his wish back then made her feel so uneasy.

"Well Chaewon, we're going now. This time, make sure that you don't eat any rotten bagels again, you hear?" Yena teased, as Minju laughs at her.

"Yah, stop that, you two! We're sorry that we can't stay any longer, but I wish that you would recover soon, Chaewon-ah. I promise that we'll come and visit you again, okay?" Yuri told her.

"Thanks, Yuri-ah. Unlike those two clowns over there, you're a good friend to me. I guess I'll see you soon!" Chaewon said, giving a hug to Yuri as the three of them exited her room.

When they left, Chaewon was left to herself again, thinking on what she's going to do once she meets Y/N again. This time, she felt more nervous than usual, since it has been 2 years since they last talked to each other. This, coupled with the fact that she will see his face for the first time, made her anxious as to how he would react once he sees her again.

"Calm down, Chaewon. You know that Y/N is a very kind person, at least that's how you got to know him ever since. Everything's going to be all right. Just act normally once he's here. All you have to do is to apologize, and it's certain that he'll forgive you." She thought to herself.

Unbeknownst to her, Y/N was thinking the same thing.

While he was on his way to his new room, Y/N began to think of a way to apologize to her as well. He figured that he left her all so sudden, without even saying a proper goodbye. Looking back he remembered the times where she was always there to be with him. She was the friend whom he thought he would never meet, and now he has the chance to see her again after so long.

"I hope she would forgive me for leaving her without a word. Those 2 long years without you had made me feel so empty, Chaewon. I hope that you're not upset at me, and that we could be friends again." He thought.

Just as when he's about to open the door, she heard someone singing.

It was the same voice whom he had heard back when he first met her.

Y/N can't help but smile when he recognized Chaewon's soothing voice, and that he is glad that he was able to hear her again.

"It really is you, Chaewon. There's no mistaking it. I'm happy that I have this chance to see you again." He thought, as he keeps listening to her, while waiting for the right moment to enter the room.

Once she finished her song, Chaewon felt much calmer now. She always thought that singing like this never fails to make her feel better. She took a deep breath while smiling to herself. Just then, she heard someone clapping.

"That was a wonderful song, Chaewon-ah. Thank you for letting me hear your voice again."

Chaewon gasped when she looked at the person who said that to her. It took a few seconds for her to realize, but his voice alone made her feel so happy deep inside.

"It's me, Chaewon. I'm so happy to finally see you again, it's been so long." Y/N said to her.

But Chaewon was speechless. She was shocked when she finally took a good look at him. All this time, she knew him when she became his friend, but this is the first time that they were able to meet each other face to face.

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