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In the past, Din had always been the one to get up first thing in the morning. He always seemed to be ready when it came down to facing his typical strenuous day head-on. On the other hand, I was set on the complete opposite of the morning spectrum. I rarely ever wanted to start my day early on, which meant Din usually had to drag my ass out of bed because I was simply too stubborn about untangling myself from the thin sheets that covered our bed. 

Yet here we were, switching roles for once in our lives. And surprisingly enough, he hadn't shown any signs of waking up any time soon. 

The thing is, I knew that regardless of how we were feeling, we were going to have to get up soon because we were going to have to check up on the kid sooner than later. I could already feel how fussy the kid was starting to get since he was kind of stuck in his little compartment all alone. 

Oh, and even though I absolutely love laying here in bed with Din, my legs had fallen asleep a good twenty minutes ago, and I was starting to lose my mind over the pins-and-needles feeling that had started to trickle through my limbs. 

I subtly shift around under Din's body a few times, hoping to find a more comfortable position to rest myself in. You know, one where my legs didn't feel like they were going through a tingly hell. I shift around once more before falling completely still, my mind concluding that there was no hope to save my legs. I really didn't want to wake him up since he had gone through a lot last night, but his weight was starting to take a heavy toll on my legs. 

Fuck it. 

I'm gonna stay here until he wakes up because he really needs this kind of rest right now. 

"You're getting squirmy."

I immediately snap my attention down at the supposedly sleeping Mandalorian that was resting in my arms. I perk a slight brow as my brown eyes gazed over his soft curls. I quietly sigh as I lifted one of my hands up, my fingers slowly starting to run through his messy hair. 

"And here I thought you were still asleep. I should've known better," I say, smiling softly while playfully nudging him around. He lets out a low hum from the back of his throat, shifting his body around on top of me. He props his upper half up on his elbows, slowly lifting his head so his eyes could meet mine. I smile a little more as my fingertips slowly trailed away from his hair, both of my hands settling on my stomach. "How're you feeling?"

"A little better," he answers, nodding his head while lazily shrugging his shoulders. He rests his chin on my chest, his light scruff gently rubbing against my olive-brown skin as his eyes stayed glued to mine. I notice the way his brown eyes flicked down to my lips for a flash of a second, but he doesn't seem to make a move to act on whatever it was he was thinking about. "We should get ready for the day. The kid's probably gonna start getting fussy soon."

"Yeah. I guess we should."

He plants his hands on the plushy mattress near both of my sides, slowly pushing himself up so his weight wasn't resting directly on top of my body anymore. I go to sit up as well, but I only manage to prop myself up onto my elbows since he had decided not to completely move off of me. I look back up to meet his eyes to see that he was already staring right back at me. He leans forward and my breath hitches in my throat. And just as I thought he was going to pull through with his bold action, he tilts his head up and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. 

"Thank you," he whispers, slowly pulling his lips away from my smooth skin.  

"What for?" I ask, my voice barely meeting a hushed tone. 

"For helping me get through last night," he answers, nodding his head once. I smile softly and nod my head back at him. "I do have one question for you, though."

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