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Ahsoka and I have been lounging around the large clearing for the past hour or so, aimlessly talking about all the things we had gone through and all the times we had surprisingly lived to see another day; the good times, the bad times, and the in-between times. At first, we were both pretty reluctant to talk about anything from our past, but we quickly got over our reluctance and let everything out. It felt nice being able to talk to someone who had experienced similar events in their past. 


I casually look over my shoulder to see Din and Grogu standing in the main opening of the large clearing. Ahsoka and I quickly stand to our feet at the sight of them, dusting our pants off as we finish off the last part of the story we had been exchanging moments before. 

I start to walk over to the pair of boys standing in the opening, but Ahsoka slings her arm around my shoulders and pulls me in tight before I could walk any further. I practically crash into her side, having to wrap one of my arms around her waist to keep myself from tumbling down to the ground. 

"You know, you're pretty lucky you get to call this woman your wife, Mando. She's quite the keeper if you ask me," she teases in a childish tone as a wide smile spreads over her face. I look up at her for a few moments as I let out a quiet chuckle, shaking my head at what she had just said about me. She laughs along with me as she lazily slips her arm away from my shoulder line, giving me a gentle pat on the back before pulling away completely. 

I'm not too sure how long this whole happy mood of hers is going to last, but I can imagine it won't be lasting long. So, I'm just going to try and enjoy it while I still can. 

"Anyway, how about we see what kind of knowledge is lurking inside that little mind of yours?" she says, nodding her head towards the kid while picking up a small stone near her feet. Din sets the kid down on a flat rock nearby as I make my way over to him. Once I meet his side, I cross my arms and lean all of my weight into my back foot, letting my shoulder bump into his arm. 

Ahsoka holds her hand out, letting the small grey stone rest in the palm of her hand so everyone could see. She slowly turns her hand around so it's facing Grogu, but the rock doesn't drop to the ground. Instead, it hovers in the air and slowly glides over to where the kid is sitting. He snatches it out of the air with ease, holding it tightly with both of his tiny hands. 

"Now, return the stone to me," she instructs, holding her hand back out in an expectant manner. Unfortunately, the kid does nothing but stare back at her with a blank look in his eyes. 

"He doesn't understand," Din says, shaking his head while slumping his shoulders slightly. 

"Trust me, he does," she assures, glancing over at us for a split second. She then looks back over to the kid and gently bobs her hand in the air. "The stone, Grogu."

The kid throws the stone down to the ground, looking away from the three of us. Din lets out a heavy sigh and I immediately nudge his arm, not wanting him to show any sign of disappointment while the kid was trying (or not trying) to cooperate with Ahsoka. The Togruta Jedi slowly walks over to Grogu, crouching in front of his tiny form while gently holding onto his hand. She dips her head, closing her eyes for a few short moments. 

"I sense much fear in you," she whispers in a soft tone, remaining patient and level-headed regardless of the child's behavior. The kid coos back, his eyes almost lifting from her simple statement. She sighs and stands back up to her feet, slowly walking over to where Din and I were standing. "He's hidden his abilities to service over the years. Just like you had done," she explains, her eyes soon meeting mine. My face flushes and I look away from her gaze.  

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