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"What did Ahsoka say our cue is again?" I question, carefully glancing around our surroundings a few times to make sure that there weren't any stray guards walking along the perimeter of the tall outer wall we're currently standing in front of. A loud clang of a bell echoes throughout the area, making me flinch slightly and look in the direction of the main gates where Ahsoka is supposed to be. 

"That's our cue," Din mutters, nodding his head once as he looks down at me. 

I roll my eyes at his late response as I turn to face the tall wall. This section doesn't seem to have any guards lurking around, thanks to Ahsoka drawing them all to the front gate. It's an easy opening for us and I'm downright thankful for it. While Din uses his pack to get up, I jump to the top with the use of the force to propel myself up. We both land on top of the wall, scanning the area before hopping down to the other side. 

We silently make our way through the village, getting closer and closer to the inner wall as the commotion near the front fate got louder and louder. Part of me wants to turn around and race to the front gate to help Ahsoka, but I know for a fact that she's more than capable of holding her own.

So, I stay put. 

And I'm glad I did because everything soon falls silent and I smile, knowing that she had taken care of the small squadron that had been stationed near the front of the village. Ahsoka's probably slithering through the side streets just as Din and I are doing. 

Before we know it, we're coming across the inner wall and slowing to a quiet stop. We immediately climb our way up to the roof of one of the small buildings nearby, making sure to stay low and out of sight. I look over to Din and we both nod before jumping down into the middle of the squadron set below us. While he takes on the left side, I take on the right, each of us taking down the remaining guards with ease until they were all laying still on the cold, hard ground. 

Someone starts to run up behind us and we both whip around, Din holding his blaster up while I hold my lightsaber out. The man that we saw helping the children yesterday stands before us, his hands up in the air as he meets our careful gazes. Din and I both lower our weapons, nodding our heads to him before he races over to where the prisoners were being held in their electrified cages. 

We help everyone down from their cages, urging them to get somewhere safe and out of the way. Most of them run into the nearest building, disappearing from our view. The man that we had initially interacted with—who I learned is called Governer Wing—starts to make his way over to us, but I stop him the moment I spot the ex-military asshole that had originally let us into the village on our first day here. I usher Governer Wing back towards the building, shaking my head as a clear sign for him to stay out of this one and to get to a safe place. 

"Get inside," I instruct in a gentle tone, nodding my head towards the still-open door of the nearest building. He nods his head and races up the steep stairwell, slowly sliding the door shut after sending us both one last glance. 

I look back towards the ex-military gunslinger, watching him as he walks up to us in a cocky, slow stride. I furrow my brows, despising the way he walks so nonchalantly, even though he knows for a fact that we're more than capable of blasting his head off in one quick draw. 

I glance over my shoulder to see Ahsoka standing at the top of the inner wall, staring down at us. She nods her head once before hopping down to the other side of the wall, disappearing from sight. I look back towards the man and lazily twirl my lightsaber around, letting the low buzz of the weapon fill the warm, near-silent air. 

"So, you were lying when you said you were just a bounty hunter?" he questions, his eyes flicking down to the burning purple lightsaber that's resting comfortably in my hand. I let out a small laugh and shake my head. 

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