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"You weren't kidding when you said we would get there in a few clicks," Din says, shaking his head while one of his hands tightly gripped onto the edge of his seat. I send him an apologetic smile, knowing for a fact that I had gone a little faster than what the Crest was usually used to. And with the state it's currently in, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to go that fast.

"Sorry about that. I've kind of gotten used to flying X-wings, and those things can fly at incredible speeds when you have a good pilot sitting in the cockpit. Speaking of good pilots, Poe has this little thing where he tries to find the point at which the engines max out in speed and he just about gives me a freaking heart attack every time he tests it out," I say, a light chuckle trailing my words as I thought back to all the times Poe had absolutely gunned it without warning me. "That kid's pretty bold when it comes to flying."

"I can see where he gets that from," he mutters, nodding his head a few times as his tight grip loosened from the edge of his seat. I send him a playful glare as Nevarro came into view. I perk up in my chair and wrap my fingers around the controls as I rolled my shoulders back into a comfortable position.

"Alright, so we're going to have to come in super slow and steady, or else we'll probably blow the landing fears right off, which would make things a good ten times worse for our situation," I explain, shrugging my shoulders as I adjusted a few of the controls on the dashboard.

I start to slow down the moment we break through the planet's atmosphere and Nevarro's rough terrain becomes clear in my line of sight. I pull back on the steering mechanism and lift the front of the Crest, my ears instantly picking up on how janky the landing gears sounded as they slowly inched out of their tight-knit compartments. I land with careful precision, feeling one last lurch before the Crest fell completely still.

"Well, that definitely went a lot smoother than I thought it would," I say, letting out a quiet sigh of relief. Din shakes his head and unclips himself from his seat, then helping the kid out from his own tight seat harness.

After unclipping from my seat and rocking up to my feet, I switch off a few of the systems before turning the Crest off completely. I take a second to stretch my arms above my head as I walked out of the cockpit, immediately feeling the wonderful release of tension that had spread throughout my shoulders and back.

I steal a quick glance over my shoulder to see that DIn was already holding the kid in his arms, following close behind me as I stopped in front of the ladder that led to the hangar. I slide down the ladder and walk over to the main opening, my hand slamming against one of the buttons on the small control panel that was built into the wall.

Excitement began to fill my chest and I couldn't help but let a small smile creep over my face.

It's been months since I've seen Cara and Greef, and that's all thanks to all the shit I tried to balance out in my already busy life. Between the whole fight club thing with Koresh, trying to run the club in Canto Bight, and visiting my brother on Yavin 4... I've just had a lot on my plate.

Once the gap between the edge of the ramp and the top of the hangar was large enough, I glance out to see Cara and Greef walking towards the Crest with looks of awe and surprise cast over their faces. I grin, happy to see that they were alive and well.

The ramp slowly starts to ease closer and closer to the ground, but it stops about halfway through its whole process. But in all reality, that didn't matter too much to me. I quickly sprint forward and hop right off the edge of the broken ramp, landing on both of my feet before rolling through the harsh landing in an attempt to save my poor ankles. Once I roll back up to my feet, I practically slam into Greef, wrapping him up in a tight hug.

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