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"Now, how did I know that this was going to happen?"

I turn the lights on, getting a better view of the kid, who happened to be sitting on the tall trolley that Michael had brought up earlier on in the day. One of his small hands was grabbing at all of the vibrant fruits while the other was aimlessly messing around with one of the loaves of bread. He coos and smiles up at me, an innocent look flashing across his face. 

I walk over to him with a small smile, picking up a piece of fruit before popping it into my mouth. The little green child does the same thing and we decide to sit in comfortable silence, enjoying the small breakfast together. I tear off a small piece of bread from one of the still-warm loaves before using one of the utensils to place a dollop of jam on top. 

"Here, try this. You might like it," I say, holding the small piece of bread out in front of him. He leans forward and chomps down on it, almost nicking the tip of my finger. I chuckle and watch as he takes the entire piece from me, ignoring the fruit he had once been picking at. 

"Cyar'ika," Din calls out from the bedroom, stealing away part of my attention. I hum loudly to acknowledge that I had heard him as my eyes continued to watch the kid messily devour the piece of bread. I wait for some sort of response, but I don't get one, so I gently rub the kid's ears before walking back towards the room to see what Din might need. 

"What's up?" I ask, but the moment I step into the room, I'm pulled out of sight and pressed against the nearest wall. A pair of lips instantly met mine, making my heart jump in my chest and my face flush with heat. My hat flops up as the flat brim gets trapped between my head and the wall, but I could honestly care less about the state of my hat. 

Din was already back in his armor, making it a little hard for me to wrap my arms around him, so I decided to hook my fingers onto the top of his chest plate instead, pulling him in even closer. He rests his gloved hands on my hips, urging my body closer to his as he pressed into me. He slowly pulls away after a few breathless moments, a small smile creeping over his lips. 

"Your lips taste sweeter than usual," he muses, a small smile twisting up. My face flushes a little more and I roll my eyes at him. 

"I told you Michael brought us breakfast," I say, chuckling as I let go of his chest plate. He hums and slides his helmet back on, adjusting it a few times before leading me back out of the room. I adjust my hat as I walked over to where the kid was still sitting on the trolley, eating away at another piece of bread that looked as if he had torn it up himself. I smile and gracefully swoop him up as he finished off the small piece. "Ready to go, kiddo? We gotta head to Corvus to find Ahsoka."

He coos back in response, smiling up at me. 

"You should grab something to eat before we head out," I say, glancing over my shoulder to look at Din as I nodded my head towards the trolley of food. He shrugs his shoulders and casually strolls over to where the kid and I were. He slithers one of his arms around my waist, pulling me in close while leaning his head down close to my ear. 

"I think I had enough to eat earlier," he mutters, his gloved hand squeezing my waist. My face heats up again and my eyes widen slightly. He lets out an amused huff of a laugh before walking towards the door with our overnight bag slung over one of his broad shoulders. I let out a light laugh, shaking my head as I stood in shock from his blunt statement. 

"Kriffing Maker," I breathe out under my breath. The kid suddenly babbles in my arms and I practically jump out of my boots. I look back down at him and awkwardly smile. "Alright, bud. We're gonna have to have you rest in your little bag for a bit until we get back to the Crest. You gonna be okay?"

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