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Maker, I can't even remember the last time I've traveled to the Deep Core of the galaxy. 

Actually, I can. 

The last time I had been out this deep was when I had to take on a stupid fucking bounty job on Vulpter. I mean, the job paid pretty damn well, but it wasn't worth the shit I had to go through just to get it. 

"Hey," I call out from the large hangar below the cockpit as I lean against the tall metal ladder. I tap one of the stiff rungs twice, hoping to catch the attention of the Mandalorian, who's currently piloting the Crest. "Are we there yet?"

"We're right over the place Ahsoka told us about, but we're going to have to land a few klicks away and walk over," he informs, sounding as if he doesn't mind the idea of walking a few kilometers. 

"Yeah... no. I'm not walking," I mutter to myself, shaking my head while my arms lazily drape themselves over the cold rung of the ladder. My eyes flick over to the large hangar door and an idea immediately springs into my head. I make my way over to it and let my hand hover over the small button that will evidently open the metal door. "Hey, I'm gonna try something new. Don't freak out, okay?"

"Don't freak out? That statement seems a little counterintuitive," he says, his voice muffled and faint thanks to the thick metal walls of the Razor Crest's frame. 

"Remember how I've been saying that I have a few new tricks up my sleeve? Just trust me on this one and meet me down there with the kid, alright?" I say before slamming my hand against the large button to open the hangar door. 

A rush of wind immediately sweeps into the ship, stinging my brown eyes and whipping my hair out of my face. I squint my burning eyes, looking past the lowered edge of the ramp to see that the land below is still a little far for comfort, but it's close enough for what I'm about to try to execute. 

Well, this should be fun. 

"Mae, what the hell are you doing?" he questions, his voice rising to a concerned shout. 

"See you down there!" I shout, leaning forward until the thick soles of my boots leave the heavy metal ramp. 

The harsh wind whips around my figure and the pressure of the air at this altitude almost knocks the wind right out of my lungs. I forcefully peel my eyes open, soon spotting a gigantic stone sitting atop of a platform perched upon a tall hill. That has to be the seeing stone thing that Ahsoka had been talking about before we left Corvus. I keep my eyes locked on it, letting out a slow, controlled breath. 

It'll be fine. 

It'll be just fine. 

Luke has told me an endless amount of stories and tales about force-users jumping out of flying ships and landing perfectly fine at their destination point. I just have to time this shit accordingly, deliberately use the force, and everything should turn out to be perfectly okay. 

It'll be perfectly fine. 

I let out another slow, controlled breath, forcing myself to dial in and focus as the large platform grows closer and closer. And the moment I believe it to be close enough, I tilt my body up and hold my hands out, using the force to slow myself down before landing in a kneeled position on the cracked stone. I stay completely still for a few long moments, taking in a shallow breath before a loud laugh burst from my chest. 

"Fuck yeah!" I exclaim, happy that I actually managed to pull that off. 

"What the fuck was that?"

I immediately whip around to see Din standing behind me at the edge of the large platform, the kid carefully cradled in his arms. 

"I told you I was going to try something new," I say, playing coy even though I know for a fact that it's not going to help me in this situation. 

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