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"Your nephew's really something."

"Trust me, I know," I say, smiling while nodding my head. I plop down onto the padded copilot seat and look over to him, silently yearning to be back in the large pilot seat... or maybe I was really yearning to just be in Mando's arms. Either way, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him or the seat. "You really made his day- or maybe even his year. He's been dying to meet you ever since I told him about how we became partners in crime all those years ago."

"You mean the day you checked me out in the first five minutes of meeting me?" he teases, a sense of his old self starting to shine through his demeanor. I reach over and playfully smack his armored arm, shaking my head at him while rolling my eyes with a small smile on my face. 

"Seriously though, thank you," I whisper, my voice barely even meeting a proper whisper. I look back over to him to see that he was already staring right back at me. "You taking the time to meet him really meant a lot to me."

He lowly hums behind his sensitive modulator as he nonchalantly shrugged his broad shoulders. I smiled a little more, letting out a content sigh while turning away from him. Though he hadn't given me a verbal response, I could tell that he was happy that he had met Poe and the rest of my family. 

"So, where are we off to next?" I ask, patting my hands against my thighs. 

"Gor Koresh told me that he had seen a Mandalorian on Tatooine, so I figured it would be a good start for us," he answers, entering a few things into the nav system on the dash. I hum and nod my head. "Ready to go back?"

"Yeah, I think I am. I kind of missed it regardless of everything that happened last time we were there. Just uh... wake me up when we get there so we can get started with our little quest. It's been a good day or two since I've had a decent night's sleep, so I think I might just have to get a bit of shut-eye before we jump into anything fun," I say, crossing my arms while settling further into my seat. 

"You know, you can sleep in your old room if you want to. It'll probably be a little more comfortable than the copilot seat," he says, nodding his head towards the doors of the cockpit. I perk my brows up and look back towards the already shut doors for a few moments. I hum and then shake my head, turning back around to face the dash while resting my head against the padded backing. 

"It's alright. I think I'll stay right here," I say, smiling while nodding my head once. He glances over at me as I start to close my eyes, my smile remaining on my relaxed face. I listen to his quiet hums as they slowly lull me to sleep.

A large gloved hand gently ruffles my hair a bit and I slowly peeled my eyes open, covering my mouth as a small yawn escaped me. I look up to see Mando standing right next to my seat with the kid resting in his muscular arms. 

"We're here," he says, nodding towards the cockpit doors. I hum and slowly rock myself up onto my feet, grabbing my brown leather jacket and easily sliding it on as we made our way towards the ladder. I slid down the poles of the ladder and followed Mando out of the already open bay doors, my eyes instantly spotting a familiar face that I had come to love and appreciate. 

"Hey! Sorry gang, come on back. You already know that he doesn't like droids," Peli calls out, furrowing her brows while planting her hands on her hips as she stared down her little droid mech team that just so happened to be running towards the ship. THe DUM-series droids quickly took a few steps back, soon spotting Mando and probably remembering what his last reaction to them getting near the Crest was. 

"May as well let them have at it. The Crest could use a good once over," Mando calls back, looking over at the ship for a flash of a moment before looking back over to Peli. I perk a curious brow and glance back at him, wondering if I had actually heard him correctly. 

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