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"Where are we going?"

"We are currently heading to the only hotel in Canto Bight that I actually trust. It's the only place I stay when I don't find myself passing out in my office at the club," I answer, keeping my hands on the steering mechanism of the speeder we were sitting in. 

Before we had left the club, I had decided to grab my speeder from the back so we could get around town because I was not in the mood to walk around Canto Bight in a fucking all-black suit while the sun was still out and blazing to hell like it was Mustafar or something. I mean, it was starting to get cooler as the late hours of the afternoon started to roll in, but that walk still would've been horrid. 

Then again, Din and I have been through worse on Tatooine, but that was beside the point. 

I look over to the passenger side of the speeder, noticing the way the kid was casually sitting on Din's lap, the majority of his tiny body still tucked away in the canvas tote that Din had been carrying him around in. His large ears were whipping around, making me a little more conscious of the speed I was driving at. I'd hate for his ears to hurt later on just because I was going a little too fast. 

"Do you pass out in your office often?" Din asks as I look back towards the road set in front of me. 

"Not too often. It just ends up happening when I don't have it in me to actually get up and book a room for myself," I say, shrugging my shoulders as my fingers pinched the flat brim of my hat. I reach back and place it in the back seat of the speeder next to the small bag of clothes we had packed for our short stay. 

"Are you sure you can trust this place?" he asks, his gaze glancing down at the kid for a moment. 

"It's the only other place in Canto Bight that I actually trust. I know the owner and he's... he's quite the character, to say the least, but I know that we can trust him," I say, nodding my head, "Plus, the quality of his hotel rooms are a lot better and safer than the one's I have above the club."

I pull the speeder up to the front of the hotel, pulling into its curved driveway before shifting the transmission into park. I hop out and wink at the young valet, politely passing him a few credits as I grabbed my hat from the back seat. Din hopped out as well, grabbing our shared bag from the back before letting it drape over one of his broad shoulders. My eyes flick down to the canvas tote resting near his hip to see that the kid was hidden away beneath the top cover again. 

I felt bad that this was how we had to hide him, but we didn't really want to draw any more unnecessary attention to ourselves. Hell, it already felt like we had the entire city peering over our shoulders and that feeling would only get worse if we let the kid out in the open for the rest of Canto Bight to see. 

We walk into the large hotel building, catching the attention of almost everyone the moment we stepped past the gold frames of the front double doors. The guests that were sitting around the bar and in the main lobby lounge immediately looked over at us, their curious eyes widening as we continued to make our way through the lobby, our composures completely unwavering by the sudden attention bestowed upon us.

I let out a subtle sigh through my nose, a little annoyed by their stares as we continued to walk in. I looked around a bit, casually nodding my head as a polite greeting to them all. They all returned the small gesture before going back to whatever they had been doing before we had walked in. 

My eyes start to flick around the large lobby to admire all the architectural features that the place had to offer. The lobby was shaped with tall, beautiful black walls that held perfect gold accents along their surfaces, there were lush green vines delicately wrapped around the square pillars that held the ceiling high up in the sky, and there were dim white lights that seemed to fill the room while making it feel dark all at the same time. 

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