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The trek back to the Krayt dragon's cave was longer than I had expected it to be, especially since we were lugging along explosives on banthas, but we had finally made it. I had been situated on the back of Mando's speeder for most of the journey, making sure to look back every now and then, ensuring that everyone was still following and not lagging too far behind. 

It was still quite obvious that the two different groups were struggling to work together, but I was just happy that they had managed to have the patience to at least walk together. And all I could say is thank the Maker for that because this wouldn't have ever worked if we hadn't convinced them to just work as a team for a few short hours.

Once we had gotten to the sight, everyone started unloading the large explosives, carefully sliding them from their holders before passing them off down a line of people. As they started unloading everything, a few of us walked over to the ridge, watching one of the Sand People walk up to the cave, nervously fumbling around with a long cycler rifle in their hands. 

Yet again, my heart was racing and aching for the stand-alone man that had to creep up to the opening of the cave just to see if the creature was asleep. He soon turns around and signs back that the dragon was still sleeping. 

"What did he say?" Vanth asks, looking over to Mando and me. 

"He said that the dragon's still sleeping. Which means we have some time to set up and get ready, but we're going to have to do it fast," I say, nodding my head while crossing my arms. 

"He also said that if we listen carefully, we can hear it breathing," Mando adds, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. Vanth grimaces before looking back towards the large cave opening. 

"It's comforting, don't you think? You know, knowing that even a creature that terrifying and large snores in its sleep," I joke, hoping to lighten up the already plummeting mood. Unfortunately, no one replies to my joke, which makes me purse my lips into an unsatisfied grimace. "Tough crowd," I mutter, lazily kicking the sand beneath our feet while the others started talking amongst each other. 

"Let's get to work," Mando says, then turning towards Vanth to go over the plan for what seemed to be the eighteenth time in the past hour or so. I roll my eyes at the two men and decide that I was going to actually help with setting up the plan instead of just standing around and talking about it over and over again. 

I walk over to the middle of the sight, holding my hand out towards the pile of shovels that we had lugged around on our little journey. With the use of the force, one comes flying towards my hand and I wrap my fingers around the handle, getting to work with the others that were already digging. 

Some of the people stopped to stare at me for a few moments and all I managed to do was send them a small smile in return, not wanting to answer any of their questions that they were probably thinking about in their head. 

There's nothing wrong with a little bit of mystery. 

We dig a long shallow trench, making sure it was still deep enough to hide away the many explosives we had. I was getting desperate to take my leather jacket off so I could actually breathe in the intense heat that was beating down on me. Still, we had to work fast, so I ignored the overwhelming heat that was coursing around my body and continued to work anyway. 

After we were done digging the shallow sand trenches, we all started gently packing away the explosives, making sure to pack sand around the sides so they wouldn't move around during the battle. I looked up a few times, ensuring everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing and not picking any unnecessary fights with the other group of people. 

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