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"Thank you," I say, smiling politely at the valet as they brought my speeder around to the front. 

Once I settle in the driver's seat, I kick the speeder into gear and race out of the curved driveway. I speed through the streets of Canto Bight, my eyes flicking around to gaze upon the vast amount of people walking around with prominent remnants of certain substances and partying splashed across their demeanor. 

I shake my head and shift into an even higher gear, feeling a large rush of wind work itself through my wavy hair as I sped along. One of my hands stays wrapped around the small steering mechanism while my other hand casually brushed the stray hairs out of my face so my brown eyes could stay focused on the busy road. 

After a few more minutes of speeding around the city, I spot the small club that I was supposed to be meeting at for the night. I pull over to the side and park along the side of the wide street. I settle into the cushions of my seat, resting my elbow against the frame of the low-set door before leaning my head into my hand. 

Was I actually trying to mentally prepare myself for the two meetings I was about to have to sit through?

Well, of fucking course I was because the next few hours of my life were probably going to feel like a fucking drag

I was also a little irked that we weren't meeting at my own club. If we had met there for this meeting, I would at least have the safety blanket of James's presence close by. At this club, I had nothing but a drink in my hand and my lightsaber to protect me. That was still more than enough, but I would rather have a friendly face nearby to reassure me that somebody had my back. 

A small sigh slips past my lips as I finally compose myself enough to get out of my speeder. The soles of my boots slap against the smooth pavement as I landed steadily, my clothes rumpling a bit from the brash movement. I adjust my blazer and hat as I started to walk towards the entrance of the club. 

But before I could even walk inside, my brown eyes locked onto a tall man with a glowing cybernetic eye that drastically contrasted with his organic one. He happened to be the other investor that had agreed to hear out the business pitch that was going to be presented today. 

"Yasto Attsmun! It's wonderful to see you, my friend," I say, holding my arms out to the side as he walked up to me. He meets my eyes and sends me a kind smile, nodding his head once in my direction. "How've you and your wife been?"

"Everything has been quite well for us here in Canto Bight," he answers shortly, subtly shrugging his shoulders. I hum and nod my head, slowly sliding my hands into the pockets of my slacks. I expected him to dive into how his businesses were doing, but he decided to take a different path for our blooming conversation. "And how is Miss Mae Dameron doing. It's been quite some time since I've seen you in this great city."

Great city?

What a fucking joke. 

"It's actually Mae Djarin now," I politely correct, holding my left hand up to flash off the beskar ring. His eyes widen a bit and his cybernetic eye seems to glow a little brighter. 

"Is that so? And who's the lucky person?" he asks, cocking his head to the side. 

"Someone who's not plagued by the corruption of Canto Bight like us," I vaguely joke, smiling at him while nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders just as he had done before.

I knew that I couldn't give him too much information about Din or else he might try to use it against me later on in the future, which is something I really don't need in my life. I mean, I would never let anyone get away with threatening my husband like that, but it would still be a bitch to try and handle, especially if the threat were coming from a person as powerful as Yasto. 

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