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"Over there!"

"Oh, so apparently the galaxy really just said fuck catching a break for once in our lives," I mutter under my breath before diving into a rough roll and out of the way of a red blaster bolt that was speeding straight towards my chest. I roll back up into a low kneeling position, quickly pressing my back against the nearest crate as my eyes scanned the area to make sure I had somewhat decent cover and that I was out of sight from any advancing stormtroopers. 

I snap my head over to the side to see Cara, Greef, and Mythrol were ducked behind a stack of crates just like I was, their heads barely poking over the top of the boxes as they tried to shoot at the troopers who were returning the heavy fire. 

I scoot towards the edge of the crate I was hiding behind, soon realizing that there was a large gap between where I was and where the others were. I let out a small huff, shaking my head as I tried to figure out how I was going to time my move. I glance over the top of the crate to see that most of the troopers were aiming at my three companions, not even sparing me a single glance. 

I look back towards my three companions before rolling across the open pathway set between us. I easily make it over to their side in one solid roll, making sure to keep my head ducked low beneath the top of the crates as I stopped right next to them. 

"What's the plan?" I ask, perking a slight brow while looking up at Cara and Greef. 

"What do you mean 'what's the plan'? We're trapped!" Mythrol exclaims, shaking his head while slumping against the crate we were hiding behind. 

"Is that so?" Cara asks in a mischievous tone, her head turning to look at the old craft Mythrol had been praising earlier on in the mission. The Trexler Marauder was sitting there all alone, practically begging for someone to use it again.

"Oh, you're a fucking genius," I say, letting out a low chuckle as I peered over the top of the crate to take a glance at the stormtroopers that just seemed to be multiplying with every minute that passed. 

"Cover me!" she calls out, quickly popping up to her feet before dashing over towards the dusty-looking mech. 

"What the hell does she think she's doing?" Mythrol shouts, quickly snapping his attention away from the ex-shock-trooper and over to me. 

"Just trust her. She's got a plan," I say, shrugging his question off as Cara disappeared around the other side of the craft. I clip my lightsaber onto my belt before drawing my blaster from its thigh holster, realizing that I had practically neglected it the entirety of this mission. I aim it at the troopers and immediately take two of them out, leaving the rest of them to slowly cower back and take cover in the safety of the lift. 

In a matter of a few clicks, the Trexler Marauder was found sliding to a stop right next to us and the doors were sliding right open to let us jump in. Greef, Mythrol, and I look over at it to see Cara sitting in the driver's seat, her piercing eyes already staring right at us. 

"What are you guys waiting for? An invitation or something? Let's move!" she shouts, gesturing with her hand to get into the large craft. I smile and race over the two men trailing close behind me. Once we're all in, Cara shuts the doors and stands from her seat, nodding towards it while looking at me. "She's all yours."

Without a moment's hesitation, I slide into the driver's seat and wrap my hands around the controls, immediately shooting us forward and back into the halls of the large Imperial base. The large hangar door that I was hoping to pass through suddenly slams shut, blocking us from moving any further in that direction. I let out a light chuckle, shaking my head as a small smile spread over my face. 

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