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Four hours.

Four fucking hours.

I sat in that booth for four fucking hours, doing nothing but listening to the brothers ramble on and on about every single thing that had happened to their business since they had last spoken with me, practically refusing to stop. I had tried to leave on multiple accounts, but each time I tried to get up and say goodbye, they had insisted that the next part that they were going to tell me was the most important part of their story. 

They had finally finished talking and I was finally free to leave in a polite manner that wouldn't rub anyone off the wrong way. The moment we bid each other farewell, I found myself quickly striding over to my speeder before hopping in. 

I glance up at the sky for a few moments, letting out a long sigh as I start my speeder up. It was already dark out and I truly wanted nothing more than to just get back to the room to see Din and the kid... and maybe pass out for a bit because this city was way too fucking draining for me. 

As I drove back to the hotel, I aimlessly played with the beskar ring on my finger, the pad of my thumb constantly spinning the smooth piece of metal around. The metal easily warmed up from the constant movement, but I didn't mind the feeling all that much. The burning warmth was a nice contrast to the freezing wind that was rushing around me as I weaved my way through the streets of Canto Bight. 

My club soon came into view and as I spun my ring around once more, two very important items popped into my head. I stop messing with my ring and step on the brake, quickly pulling around back and parking in my designated spot. 

I look down at my beskar ring for a few moments, my mind slowly wandering back over to the two important items that I had made for Din a long time ago. I never actually thought that I'd be able to give them to him. Then again, that was mostly because I never actually thought that we'd see each other after what happened, so...

But now that we were reunited and back in Canto Bight, I figured that I might as well pick them up and give them to him. It's not like they could stay stashed away in my desk forever right?

I hop out of my speeder and sneak in through the large back door, my mind praying to the Maker that I didn't get spotted by any of the usual patrons while I was here. My eyes carefully search the back halls for anyone snooping around, but I don't spot anyone, so I deem it safe enough for me to make my way to my office. 

I just need to pick up Din's gifts and then I could head back to the hotel room. 

I quickly type a key-code in on the small panel built into the wall, watching it flash green a few times before the door opened up. I immediately slip inside, escaping any chance of being spotted as the door slid shut behind me. I slump against the metal door as the lights in my office slowly turn on, the dim light filling the confined space so I could actually see where everything was. 

I push myself off of the door and plop down in the seat behind my desk, quickly opening up one of the cabinets to search for the small box that held the important items that I had been thinking about. After rummaging through a few papers and other small miscellaneous items, I finally found the package. It was wrapped in a thin sheet of black wrapping paper, the edges pulled together by a thin piece of off-white twine. 

I set the box on my desk and stare at it from afar, feeling my body sink further and further into my seat the more my eyes dialed in on the box. I let out a small yawn, feeling a sense of fatigue really start to set deep in my bones. I close my eyes and slowly lean my head back, letting it hang lazily as my body starts to relax.

And in the end, I did a little more than just relax.


"So, that was the Mandalorian that you've told me so much about, huh?"

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