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I slowly wake up with a small groan, my head aching with an intense pain that I hadn't experienced in a long time. I try to carefully push myself up from my slumped form, but my hand slips from its planted spot, making me almost knock my head against the dash again. A large hand wraps around my arm and gently pulls me up, slowly helping me sit up properly in the co-pilot seat. 

My head lulls down a bit and Mando gently cups my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I pull away from his hand, wincing a bit as my head lazily lulls back to the side. My head starts to ache and spin more, the feeling forcing me to plant my hand on the dash in front of me to keep myself steady. 

"Hey, I need you to stay awake for me," Mando says, gently leading me back into the seat while trying to get me to look back up at him. I groan and let him lead my head back around to face the front of his helmet. He sets his knee between my legs to brace himself, leaning down on the padded chair while hovering over me. 

"You need to check if I- fuck my head hurts. You need to check if I have a concussion or something," I mutter, trying to keep my head steady as I looked up at him. I close my eyes for a moment, letting out a small hum while I tried to pull myself together. "I hit my head pretty hard on the dash."

"How do I check if you have one?" he asks, keeping his fingers hooked under my chin to keep my head in place. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out, wondering why the hell this place felt absolutely fucking freezing. I mean, it usually felt cold thanks to all the systems running to keep the ship cool, but it was never this cold. 

"Do you have a flashlight?" I ask, opening my eyes back up. He hums, continuing to hold my head up as he reached over to one of the small compartments full of miscellaneous tools. He fishes through it, quickly drawing a small flashlight and shutting it with his fist. He holds it up, showing me that he had it. I take another deep breath and my head lulls to the side again. He cups the side of my face with his gloved hand, making it impossibly for me to move my head away again. "Flash it in my eyes to see if my pupil dilates or respond. If they don't or if they're two different sizes, we might have a slight problem."

Mando starts checking my eyes, leaning his head down a little closer to get a better look. The light seemed to bother me a bit, but I did my best to keep my eyes open so he could keep checking them. 

"I think they look fine," he hesitantly states, clicking off the flashlight and tucking it away. 

"Well, that's a good start," I mutter, blinking a few times in an attempt to get my eyes to adjust to the ship's newfound darkness. 

"What if I didn't see things right? What if you're not okay?" he rushes out, worry starting to fill his tone. 

"I'm sure I'll be fine," I mutter, shaking my head while letting out a small breath. He slowly lets go of my face and I lean my head back, letting it rest against the back of my seat. "How long was I out for?"

"Just a few minutes," he answers, slowly taking a step away from me. I push myself up, stumbling a bit as I stood to my feet. His hands shoot down to my hips, keeping me from falling over. I take another deep breath and nod my head once, letting my own hands rest on his arms. 

"Alright, I think I'm good," I mutter, steadying myself before nodding once more. I look over to see that the frog lady was already awake and upright in her seat. I was thankful that she was okay and actually strapped in, unlike me, who got to hit the fucking dashboard. It was just one less thing I was going to have to worry about. 

The woman starts croaking and I could only assume that she was looking for her eggs and the container that they were in. I nod my head at her, letting her know that I somewhat understood her as I left the freezing cockpit. I slide down the ladder, getting to the bottom of the main hangar to see the damage that had been entailed. I blink a few times, trying to figure out whether or not I was seeing things. 

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