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"Think you can make that jump on your own?" Din asks in a joking tone as he gestured towards the large freighter that was slowly starting to pull away from the docking port. I let out a short laugh and shake my head as a small smile tugged at my lips. He takes a subtle step towards me, his arm grazing against my own. 

I suppose it was time for us to get this whole mission done and over with. I let out a small sigh and nod my head, letting him know that I was ready to go. He hooks his arms under my legs and my back, making sure that he was holding me tightly in his arms. My face warms up, but I quickly dismiss the feeling and comfortably rest my arms around his neck and shoulder line. He looks towards the other Mandalorians, waiting for their signal. Bo-Katan slides her helmet on and nods her head, jetting up into the air as we all follow close behind. 

Cold air rushes through my brown leather jacket, sending a harsh chill down my spine as we continued to climb higher into the sky. The wind whipped around us, forcing me to shut my eyes and tuck my face into the crook of Din's covered neck. The pads of his fingers pressed into my skin as he tightened his grip on me, letting me know that he still had me. 

It was comforting having him this close again. 

Once we land on the outer platform of the freighter, he drops my feet, letting me plant the thick soles of my boots on the slab of metal that had been jutting out. A tall stormtrooper immediately rushes towards me, leveling the muzzle of his blaster with my head. I easily knock his blaster out of the way with a solid swipe of my hand. I grab onto his arm and spin my body into him, gracefully tossing him over my shoulder and right over the low-set metal railing next to us. 

"You have fast reflexes," Axe states, nodding his head while glancing over the railing as if he were going to be able to spot the free-falling trooper that was now hidden amongst the thick grey clouds. I smile and shrug my shoulder, not having anything else to say to him. 

We all slip inside the freighter, letting Bo-Katan lead the way and take out the first two stormtroopers on her own. The outer airlock door behind us slides shut, finally giving us the chance to escape from the freezing air that seeped through my clothing. I felt fucking freezing, but we had more important things to focus on right now. 

As we work our way down the pristine hall, a squad of troopers comes racing around the corner. I let out a small sigh, knowing very well that they didn't stand a chance against four Mandalorians and a grey Jedi. Speaking of the four Mandalorians that I had been accompanying, they had taken each stormtrooper out on their own, leaving me there to do practically nothing. 

Well, that's a little underwhelming. 

We keep making our way through the large ship, listening carefully for the sound of heavy footsteps while our own echoed throughout the empty corridor. As we walked through the next set of open doors, another squadron of troopers decided to make their grand appearance, forcing us to halt and take cover. 

I peek my head out from around the wall we were hiding behind, trying to gauge how easy it would be to take them all out. As I bring my head back and away from the heavy line of fire, Din snatches a charge off of his belt and his thumb hovers over the middle of it. I quickly pull his hand back before he could activate it and throw it at the small squadron. 

"Wait," I say, nodding my head once while holding my hand out to him. He looks down at me, quirking his head to the side as if he were wondering what I was trying to get at. "Don't throw that just yet. I can take these guys out on my own."

"Are you insane?" he snaps back at me, shaking his head as he tried to grab onto my arm to stop me. 

"Oh, come on. I think we already know the answer to that question," I quip back, smiling while slipping right past him and avoiding his grasp.

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