04 || WICKED

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Thomas and Aris were still in the lab hearing the conversation. "As you can see early results have been extremely promising," he said showing her some kind of digital brains. Dr. Paige looked at them. "Whatever it is you're doing in there it's working" said Jansen smirking.

Thomas looked more closely as Dr. Paige shook her head 'no'. " Not well enough, i just received board approval, i want all the remaining subjects sedated and prepared for the harvest by the time i arrive" she said seriously.

"Dr. Paige we are going as fast as we can, we are still running tests" he said not happy with this but kept it hidden.

"Try something faster, until i guarantee their security this is the best plan" she said getting impatient. "Ma'am security is my job when I'm we're on 24-hour lockdown here i am assuring you that our sets are secure" he said trying to convince her, but she wasn't buying it.

"Have you found the right arm?" she asked with raised eyebrows. "Not yet" he said getting annoyed. This got Thomas's attention even more. "Mm, we've tracked them as far as the mountain's" said Jansen. "So they're still out there, and they've already hit two of our installations," she said. Thomas and Aris looked at each other wondering what the right arm is.

"They want these kids as much as we do, and i cannot, i cannot afford another loss. Not now when i am so close to a cure" she said in a lower voice to Jansen. "If you are not up for the task i will find someone who is" she said turning around and walking back to her desk.

"That won't be necessary. My suggestion is we start with the most recent arrivals-" he got cut off.

"Just get it done," she went back to her papers. " I don't want them to feel any pain" she said still somewhat caring for the kids. "They won't feel a thing" he said and went to leave but she called him one more time.

"And Jansen how is she?" she asked looking at him caring. Jansen knowing who it was smirked. "She's doing good, we're making progress with her more than any other" he said. She nodded and turned around same as him just that he went out the door.

Thomas and Aris looked at each other. Thomas started to breathe heavily and ran with Aris behind towards the vents to warn his friends.


Thomas went as fast as he could and when he got there he knocked the vent window opened making a loud sound. The boys looked behind them to see a hysteric, Thomas. "Thomas?" said a Minho looking at him worried. "We gotta go-we gotta go-we gotta go" he said pushing them aside so he could go to the door.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dude, what's going on?" Minho and Newt asked him he started to take the cover off a bed and wrapping it around the hanger and making a knot so it would block the entrance. "They're coming" it's all he said.

"Aris, what happened?" Frypan asked Aris who was in thought trying to discover who they were talking about. "Thomas can you just calm down and talk to us" stated Newt.

"It's all lies," Thomas said making more knots with the blanket. "It Ava" he said again.

"Ava?" asked Newt confused.

"It's WICKED! It's still WICKED. Its always been WICKED" he said going over and grabbing the mattress so he could put it on the door. The boys looked amused they never did thought it could be WICKED. As Thomas put the mattress on the door he leaned on it for some seconds then looked at Newt.

"Thomas, what did you see?" asked Newt serious now worried. Aris then realized who it was how couldn't he if they always had a good treating with her. "Thomas it Amber, they were talking about her" he said and Thomas for some reason got even more worried. Seeing the danger he ushered them all into the vent.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

We're so close to Thomas and Amber finally meeting each other and talking. I can't wait for that and what's to come. I really hope you're enjoying it!

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Remember to stay safe <3

Follow me on Instagram: whorv06.wp

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