05 || Trust

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Thomas opened the vent and looked at both sides to see if anyone was coming seeing no one he motioned the others to come out. "Come on-come on" said Thomas rushing everyone out.

Aris stopped and looked the other way. "You guys go ahead there's something i gotta do first" said Aris stopping them. "What are you talking about?" asked Thomas walking over to him.

"Trust me it's important you guys wanna get out of here right?" said Aris and went back inside the vent.

Winston saw the others not convinced had an idea. "I'll go with him you guys go" he said and went inside with Aris.

"Let's go guys we gotta go" said Thomas running making the other follow him. "Are you sure you can trust this kid?" asked Minho unsure of Aris.

"If you don't what we'd do without him" said Thomas turning the corner but stopped when the same nurse who took Amber was there.

They stopped abruptly. "What are you kids doing out?" she asked uneasily, just then the alarm went off. She looked at them seeing what is going on.

Thomas and Minho looked at each other having the same idea. The nurse went running but got caught.

"I want this place locked down. Call everyone in," demanded Jansen walking into the security room where the cameras were. "No one leaves until everyone is accounted. Tell me you got eyes on them" instructed Jansen to the man sitting in front of the cameras.

"Still looking, still looking" said the man.

"Come on, come on" chanted Jansen looking at the cameras.

"There" said the man and pointed to the bottom right screen where it showed the Gladers pushing the nurse somewhere. "Who is that?" asked the man.

"Corfred" said Jansen knowing the nurse. "They're going after the girl. Finding her means finding Amber. Get everyone to the med-wing i want them alive!" yelled Jansen going out of the room and to where they are.

Thomas pushed the nurse further almost making her fall. As they turned another corner a guard appeared. "Freeze! Stay where you are" he said loading his gun. The boys went back the same way trying to get away, but just as they were about to turn the same corner as before Minho stopped.

"Minho, what the hell are you doing?" asked Thomas making the rest stop. Minho breathed heavily and ran anticipating when the guard was going to appear.

Just as the guard appeared Minho jump making him hit the wall and stay out cold. The rest ran over to see him. "Shit Minho" said Newt once he saw the guard unconscious on the floor.

Thomas looked down at the gun and grabbed it. "Okay let's go! Come on" he said and pushed the nurse up front so they could guide them to their friend.

The other doctors were moving chemicals fast because of the alarm they knew something was wrong. Just as a doctor put something on the table, Dr. Crofred opened the door with a look of regret. Thomas pushed her and the door open and pointed the gun at the other doctors.

"Where is she? Where is she?" spat Thomas for Teresa. The doctor who was being pointed at the gun pointed to the side to where there was a curtain. Thomas passed the gun to Minho and went over to open the curtain to reveal Teresa. He crouched a little bit to her eye level and woke her up.

Just as they were about to break the glass of the window and escape he remembered Aris's sister Amber and how she was taken too. He looked over at the doctors and nurses. "Where's the other girl?" he asked making some of the boys stop and look at him.

"We don't have anyone else" said one doctor trying to cover the fact that Amber was there too.

"The other girl! Amber where's Amber?" he asked them grabbing the doctor by the collar. The doctor scared by him looked to the side to where a door was. Thomas getting what it means asked for the key.

"The key, give me the key!" he said to them and took out the key from the doctor's coat pocket. He ran over and passed the key and opened the door to reveal Amber in different clothes and sedated on a bed with a needle in her hand. He walked over to her and woke her up.

"Amber, Amber" he said seeing her wake up. Amber was confused but a little conscious now.

"Who are you?" she asked him not really remembering him from the cafeteria. "Tell you later but we gotta go now" he said making her stand up and took out the needle as soft as possible.

"Ah" she winced feeling the needle pain. Thomas worried looked at her. "Sorry, sorry" he said and took her out of the room to the other one where the other had broken the glass already and a blanket over so they wouldn't get cut.

Thomas crossed Amber first by picking her up and passing her to Newt. Then he crossed and got Amber.

"Can you run?" he asked her. "Yes" she said with more consciousness than before and more pissed remembering what she had seen before these people sedate her. He nodded and grabbed her hand running with the rest following.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

And he has saved her! Thomas remembering Amber even if they have never spoken before makes me squeal because come on they were in a hurry and he stopped for her. Ugh, i hate Jansen. Thomas and Amber are about to enter the Scorch and I have to tell you writing what's to come is intense for me.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Remember to stay safe <3

Follow me on Instagram & TikTok: whorv06.wp & WHORV06

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