03 || Sold

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

"Alice, Berry, Walt, Edgar, Samantha" called Jansen the names of the poor kids who think are going to a safe place.

"I wanna know what is through that door" said Thomas still thinking about what happened last night.

Newt looked at him. "Now we've been over this. You said we could cover up you don't know what you saw could've been anything out there" said Newt still annoyed Thomas is going on the same topic.

"No. I know what i saw there were bodies. Aris said they get knew back every night" said Thomas remembering what Aris had said.

"Who the hell is Aris?" asked Minho not knowing who this was.

Thomas looked over to where Aris sat the rest following. Aris was looking at his bread in boredom but was getting worried his sister hasn't come back.

"Well, I'm sold" said sarcastically Minho.

"Last but not least, David. Thank you for your attention enjoy the rest of your evening" said Jansen walking out with the new victims.

"Okay we don't do anything. Just keep our heads down and try not to drawn any attention to ourselves, okay?" said Newt not wanting any problems.

Thomas had enough and bang his hand on the table standing up and walking towards the door. Aris saw him and followed him with his eyes. "What is he doing?" asked Newt worried. "I think he's drawing attention to himself" Frypan stated the obvious.

Thomas started to walk towards the door trying to blend in but got stopped by a guard. "Wow hang on, you weren't called" said the same guard from last time. "Well, it's just going to be a second" he said trying again but got stopped again.

"This is a restricted area kid" said the guard. Thomas sighed annoyingly.

"I just wanna see my friend. Can you let me through?" said Thomas pissed.

"Get your ass back in that chair, okay" said the guard pocking him on the chest his patience left. Thomas turned around and did at least 3 steps before turning back and running for it, but both guards catch him.

"What's your problem?" yelled Thomas. The rest of the boys came running seeing the seen and went to stop their friend. "What the hell man!"

"Back off!" they yelled at each other. Jansen hearing the commotion ran towards them.

"What's happening here?" asked Jansen getting in between them. "Thomas, i thought we trusted each other" he says putting his hand on Thomas's shoulder. "You know we are on the same team here"

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