17 || The Right Arm

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Amber has never had more hope until now. She saw the bunch of people with supplies and other things they needed. They were more than what she expected and that filled her that maybe they could finally find a way to be free from WICKED and reach a happy life.

That's all she needed, all she wanted.

As they followed Harriet down to the others she shared a small smiling glance with her brother who had the same look and then looked up at Thomas.

He wasn't sure about this but sent her a small smile. He was glad to finally have found what he had been looking for this whole time. What WICKED seemed so worried about.

"They've been planning this for over a year now. This is all for us" Harriet says proudly.

"Guess you're lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light," the blonde girl explained to them making Amber sigh. They were lucky they did. "Where's Vince?"

"Somewhere over there i think"

"Who's Vince?" Thomas immediately asked.

"He's the one who decides if you get to stay" Amber licked her bottom lip feeling the heat starting to get to her lips and her dry throat made her a little uncomfortable. She wanted water.

As they walked further in the Jones girl watched people pack and talk instructions to each other making sure to not forget anything.

"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army" Minho analyzes the lack of count.

"Yeah, we were," Amber stopped staring to the right at a man with dark brown hair and dark clothes. He had a confident walk making her realize that must be Vince. "This is all that's left of us," although he didn't have such a welcoming face seeing them here. Amber felt very intimidated she took a step behind Thomas. "A lot of good people died to get us where we are. Who are they?"

"They're immunes. Caught them coming up the mountain" what Harriet didn't know was that Brenda was about to collapse.

"You check em?"

"I know these two, Aris and Amber. I trust them" she pointed at the siblings but Vince had to move slightly to the side to spot Amber's full face.

"But i don't. Check em"

"Hey, boss?" one of the soldiers, as he could be called, says watching Brenda breathe loudly and heavily. Amber turned around only to be pushed aside by Brenda falling flat on the ground.

Her blue eyes widened in worry.

"Brenda! Brenda!" Jorge called.

He kept calling the girl who didn't respond but just kept breathing unevenly making them suspicious. The Latino man held the girl who kept saying sorry while Vince bed down.

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