09 || Risks

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-Amber's P.O.V-

You know that feeling when you get it when you think it's all over, Well that's what i felt right now.

I jumped as hard as i could my legs moving everywhere my arms spread out to grab the first thing and not fall. I reached out to the floor but slipped closing my eye to feel the impact of the bottom floor scared to look i felt a strong hand grab my arm before falling.

I looked up to see Thomas grabbing with Aris's help. They pulled me up but Aris touched my wound making me wince. "Oh my god Amber i thought i lost you" he said giving me a big hug. I hugged him back tightly.

"GUYS YOU DO THAT LATER! WE CAN'T HOLD THEM BACK ANYMORE!" yelled Minho still holding the door.

"Right come on!" yelled Thomas and grabbed my hand and started running with the rest behind. I looked back seeing as Minho and Frypan had already let the door go and were now running with us. I looked to see who was last and saw Newt as he couldn't run as fast because of his limp.

As we were crossing some big glass windows one of those things came running breaking it and attacking Newt. "Newt!" i and Thomas yelled at the same time. Reacting quickly Thomas ran towards them and kicked the thing same as i did before making it fall off and to the bottom floor.

Newt stood up with Thomas's help and started running again. As we ran there was a door Minho stopped and motioned for all of us to go in. "Come on! Let's Go! They're coming!" he yells as one by one entered him being last. As we entered it was a small hall we could barely all go to at the same time.

It looked like a tunnel, Thomas was first leading us as Minho was last i was somewhere in the middle beside Newt. "Guys where are we going!" yelled that girl Teresa.

"Hurry open the door!" i yelled seeing as they couldn't open it.

"Keep on going!" i yelled seeing as we couldn't open it. We kept on running until we saw a double door just like the one i had gone through. Thomas stopped and started with Minho to push the door.

"This way!" he yelled seeing a door that had an old lock.

He kicked it but still wouldn't budge. "I'll hold them back!" yelled Winston grabbing the gun which i had earlier and started shooting them.

"Thomas!" i yelled hurrying them up. Frypan seeing their struggle pushed them aside and with one swing of his body the door opened.

We all went inside but as Winston tried to pass they caught him dragging him to the floor. "AH!" he yelled in pain they started scratching him but a lot worse than me.

Thomas and Minho hold the door so they wouldn't pass. Newt and Frypan pulled Winston from the things reach and helped him up.

"Go! Go! Go!" yelled Thomas i looked at him waiting for him to let go of the door seeing as the others were far. "Amber Go!" yelled Thomas seeing i wasn't moving."Go!" he demanded. I huffed and turned around to run. As i was a bit far Thomas and Minho let go of the door running towards us.

The other things started to chase us again. We ran but seeing it hard to climb a sand mountain we hid behind a big thing no idea what it was.

We turned off the lights and the only thing you could hear were their weird yells and our heavy breathing. I felt a strong arm push me closer to his body seeing as i was a little bit out.

I looked up to see Thomas breathing heavily just like me. I nodded in thanks and he nodded back and we stayed there until i fell asleep.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Damn okay, this is oddly short. So sorry about it being cut off short and i hope you like it! Amber actually made it damn imagine if she hadn't. I love how Thomas pulled Amber closer and never let go of her hand.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Remember to stay safe <3

Follow me on Instagram: whorv06.wp

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