14 || Hang Tight

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

"We don't know much" Thomas answers the man who didn't look very much convinced with the response. Jorge moved the lever and they all were lowered a little in a threatening manner.

All the Gladers screamed for him to stop. "Okay-Okay! They're hiding in the mountains. They attacked WICKED. They got out a bunch of kids. That's it that's all we know" the leader of the group spoke the truth to the man.

Amber looked between Jorge and Thomas then to Aris and back to Jorge. The man was about to speak but another one of the men came in. "Jorge," he was the same guy from before. "What's going on?" He had heard the pleading screams from the teenagers.

"Me and my new friends are just getting acquainted. We're done now" Amber didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Her blood was rushing already far too up her head, she didn't want to be hung up upside down anymore.

"Wait! What? You're not gonna help us?" Thomas quickly asked confused. He told him all they knew what more did he want?

"Don't worry Hermano. We'll get you back to where you belong" to that he left yet Amber noticed that he was maybe putting up that act or maybe she was dizzy already. "Hang tight!"

She didn't want to go back to WICKED though. That place was horrible and tried to do whatever they did with her. The simple thought of going back made her shiver.


It was a bad yet hopeful plan. If they swinger hard enough against each other one might reach the lever and get them all down.

The closest one was Teresa so between Minho and Thomas they tried to swing her over. Amber watched as she hanged over almost grabbing the bar and she huffed when the girl just swings back.

They had to be quiet. A single sound could bring back the dude that seemed very much happy to sell them back to WICKED.

Once again they tried only to fail. "Come on Minho, push her harder!" Newt tried cheering up his friend.

"This is it. One. Two. Three!" the ex-runner counted and pushed her with his best strength being upside down and finally she took a grip on the bars.

"Yes!" Amber exclaimed quietly. She wanted to get upright again.

"Teresa hurry!" Thomas rushed her.

She pulled the lever and they all lower to the other floor level and Teresa fell on the ground being able to take off the rope.

Amber shook her head seeing and now discovering her fear of heights. She did not like to look down. It was a for sure death more than six floors down and oh did she pray that the ropes were stronger than what they looked.

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