10 || Locket

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-Amber's P.O.V-

The next day i woke up to a sound i looked behind me to see i was wrapped in Thomas's arms i blushed a little until he woke by the sound to he looked to his feet where a raven bird was taking something out of our backpack. "Hey, hey shoo!" he said making the bird fly off.

He looked around the other had woken up already. "Are they gone?" asked Newt sitting up. "Yeah, we should get going. Pack it up guys" he said grabbing his bag and then looked at me.

I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I bent down and grabbed my bag wincing at the wound on my arm. "You okay?" he asked hearing me wince. "Yeah" i said giving him a small smile. "Okay, let's pack it up" he said to everyone.

I walked over to Aris and shook him a little. "Aris come on" i said waking him up. He opened his eyes and stood up.

"Hey" he said smiling at me.

"Hey. How did you sleep?" i asked him.

"If i could choose between this and a bed, the bed please" he said making me laughed little. "Ow" said Winston as he was on the floor grunting in pain from the horrible wound on his stomach.

"Hey man, you okay?" said Frypan helping him stand up. "A little, thanks Amber for helping me" he thanked me since i was the one that improvised wrapping a piece of blanket around him.

"Your welcome" i said smiling at him. We then started to climb the concrete up to go to the surface. As i reached the surface i was shocked at the horrible view. There were tall buildings all broken some had collapsed and others were still up but completely destroyed.

"Wow" i whispered standing beside Thomas. We started to walk over to what looked to be a road looking all around us. "What the hell happened to this place?" asked Frypan looking around. "I don't know, it looks like anybody has been here in a very long time" said Newt squinting his eye to see better.

"I hope where we're going is not like this" said Aris. Then Thomas stopped looking at the floor. "Wow, wow everyone stop" he said making the rest look at him. "Do you hear that?" he asked them then looked at me. I concentrated then heard a weird buzzing sound.

They started to look around just like me looking for it. Thomas's face changed to realization.

"Get down, everybody hide, in here, in here" he said grabbing my hand and pushing me with the rest to go under a broken concrete that luckily was being held by two broken cars letting us space to hide.

The two ships appeared in the air. "They're looking for us" i said looking at the rest. "They're never going to stop looking for us" said Minho. We then got out and started to walk again. We started to climb a pile of rocks. "Everyone good?" asked Thomas looking behind him.

He then looked at me since i was a few steps behind him. "You good?" he asked me. "Yeah" i said out of breath. He took some steps towards me and grabbed my hand so it would be easier for me to go up.

I smiled at him blushing a little. I don't know but i have never climbed more in my life than today because we were currently going up a big sand mountain.

"Look further guys" said Thomas getting to the top. As we all reached the top you could see mountains far away. "Those are the mountains that's gotta be it, that's where we are going" said Thomas pointing to them. "That a long way off" said Newt looking at him.

"It's our only option" i said seeing no other way but to go all the way. I then looked to my side to see Winston taking off his bag then dropping flat on the sand.

"WINSTON HEY!" said Thomas running towards him the rest doing the same. "Winston, Winston" said Minho. He started to breathe with struggle.

I grabbed his face and looked at it. It was really pale. "He's worse" i said looking at him. Thomas stood up and looked ahead of us. Thomas had the idea to make Winston a looking bed but they had to drag him since wouldn't walk.


After a long walk, a sand storm started to pick up making me cover my eyes. I now regret not bringing a jacket. I took out the blanket to cover my face. Thomas went over to help the guys carry Winston. As the sand storm was over we all went below a broken concrete and sat there to rest.

I decided to be alone for some time and walked over to the little hill and stood there watching the solitary place. I then heard footstep behind me not bothering to turn around knowing who it was. "How is he?" i asked Thomas who stood close beside me.

"Worst" was all he said. I looked down and started to fiddle with my locket. "What is that?" he asked looking at it, I sighed the memory of my mother giving it to me coming back. "My mom gave it to me before Aris and I were taken from them" i said biting my bottom lip holding back the tears.

"You remember her?" he asked me. "Well i have dreams of her and my dad, well more like nightmares" i said a tear slipping down.

"Hey it's okay" said Thomas turning me to look at him and grabbed my chin so i would look at him. "It just hurts you know, to only have the memory of them but you knowing they're gone" i said another tear slipping i looked down again.

"It hurts me too i don't remember my parents, but you still got us, Aris, you still got me" he said making me look up at him. We were so close only inches apart i could feel his breathing on my lips. He then started to lean closer making me lean closer our lips brushed against each other but just as we were about to kiss someone interrupted us.

"GUYS WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" yelled Newt since we were a bit far. We quickly jumped away from each other awkwardly scratching our necks. "UM...JUST HOW FAR IT IS!" yelled Thomas back looking at Newt that from here you could see him and Minho smirking at us.

I blushed looking down as Thomas looked at me. "That was..." he said but trailed off. "Yeah" i breathed out not knowing what to say.

That was so close but i liked how his lips brushed against mine i...wanted it.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Ooh, Thomas and Amber almost kiss yayy!! Do you think Amber should open the locket already or when she's really ready?

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Remember to stay safe <3

Follow me on Instagram & TikTok: whorv06.wp

Comment what you think!!

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