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* edited on 11/17/15

Kaiden leaned forwards, closing the few millimeters of space between them. Scarlett was surprised at first, that he'd actually gone all the way, but relaxed as his tongue gently tasted her lips.

Then the door flew open and they sprang apart, the kiss cut short. Alex sauntered in, grinning and wagging her finger. "Naughty, naughty. You two should know better" she said, even though she was grinning. Ellie came in behind her and ran towards Scarlett, forcing her to pick her up, and Scarlett used her to hide her burning face from Kaiden.

"Hey Ellie, you ok?" she asked in a whisper, pulling back from the hug.

"Yeah, but the boss man smelled funny, like, like....grass? No, weed" she said, correcting herself within a matter of seconds.

"Good girl. How'd you know how to do that trick with the knife?" Scarlett asked.

"Red, I'm not a baby anymore. I know how to do stuff" Ellie said, referring to Scarlett by her father's pet name for her.

"Red?" Kaiden said with a laugh. "Should I start calling you that now?"

"No!" Scarlett said immediately. "It's reserved for family members only, dead or alive" she said, elaborating after a moments hesitation.

"Well, doll, we're about as close to living family as you can get without being directly related to you" Alex drawled, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hardly, I've only known you guys for a maximum of two days" she said. "What was with that stunt you pulled back there anyways?" she asked.

Alex shrugged. "I needed a way to distract him; he was going to slit the kid's throat. Then Ellie ended up stabbing him. How'd she learn to do that anyways?" she asked, brushing the hair out of her face.

Scarlett shrugged. "Don't asked me, ask her" she said in reply.  Ellie only grinned up at Alex with a smile so foolish and innocently that Alex had to smile back.

"Nah, whatever. She's a good kid" Alex paused to yawn. "I got up way to early today. Hey Ellie, you tired?" she asked. Ellie wriggled out of Scarlett's grasp, and followed Alex happily out of the room. Then Alex poked her head back in. "By the way Red, do you normally kiss people you've only known for two days?" she asked with a smirk.

Scarlett glared at her. "No? Huh" Alex said, before disappearing. "See ya, Red"

Scarlett narrowed her eyes at the doorway, until Kaiden gave a soft laugh. "So Scarlett. No promises about not calling you Red once and awhile, but what do you say to finishing what we started a few minutes ago?" he asked with a smile.

Scarlett opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by his mouth covering hers.

Later, she and Kaiden were sleeping together, but only because it was the last available bed and both refused to sleep on the floor or the couch. Scarlett smiled in her sleep, as she recalled of Kaiden's kiss.

She woke up once, thinking that she was being watched, but she only saw sunlight streaming in through the blinds. She closed her eyes again and fell asleep, dreaming of Kaiden's lips. Then, her pleasant dream became a nightmare as Kaiden was torn away and replaced by someone who knew nothing of gentleness as he kissed her with and malice, leaving her lips tasting like blood.

She woke herself up and lay frozen in bed, clenching her fists and breathing shallowly, hoping her dream didn't signify anything. Scarlett sat up, flexing her arms unconsciously as she looked around, remembering the feeling of being watched. Beside her, Kaiden woke and stretched, looking over at her with sleepy eyes. "Don't do that" she said in a rough voice, Kaiden's gaze giving her chills.

"Why not?" Kaiden asked in a hurt voice.

"Just don't" Scarlett replied.

The door swung open and Alex stepped in. "Good morning!" she called out. "What did I say about being naughty?" she said, shaking her head with a smirk on her face as she took in the two of them.

"It was the only available bed, since you and Ellie took the other two. Plus, it's more like good night, rather than good morning" Kaiden said, glancing through the crack in the blinds.

Alex's smirk transformed into a frown as she stared at something behind them. "What's that?" she asked, pointing at something above their heads.

Scarlett turned, looking at the wall above their bed. A sheet of paper was pinned there by the bloody knife that Ellie has stabbed Nico with. She stood, and ripped the knife out, the paper swirling down onto her pillow. Scarlett picked it up and read the messy handwriting.

I'm always watching you. I know where you are and don't forget that. I'll have my revenge yet.

Scarlett looked up with horror on her face. "He was here" she said, dread in her voice.

"Who?" Kaiden asked with a frown as he slowly stood up.

"Nico" she replied shortly. "Where's Ellie?"

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