So Fast

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* edited on 11/23/15

Chase looked her up and down, no emotion in his eyes whatsoever. "Nice, where'd you find her" he asked, turning his attention to Christian.

"I do have a name you know" Scarlett snarled, struggling in Christian's grip.

Chase turned back to her, a spark of amusement and interest in his eyes. "Yeah; princess" he said with a smirk.

Scarlett lunged at him, already fed up with the way they were holding her against her will, but Christian pulled her back and wrapped both arms around her shoulders, pinning her against his hard chest. "Let. Me. Go!" she shouted furiously, kicking backwards at his knees in an effort to make him let go.

"Anything change since I was here?" Christian asked, ignoring her struggles, as he talked to Chase.

"Nah, a few scuffles, just the usual. Hey, princess don't-" he began, breaking off as Scarlett interrupted him.

"My name is Scarlett, you fucking asshole!" she shouted, finally dislodging Christian's grip and punching him in the face when he tried to grab her again.

"Easy there tiger" Chase said, frowning as blood began to pour from Christian's nose. He looked over at Scarlett, his eyebrows raised.

Scarlett stood defiantly in front of Chase, and she suddenly noticed that practically everyone was watching her confront Chase. Chase began walking around her, practically stalking towards her like a cat would its prey. She had to turn to keep him in her line of vision, and was caught unawares when he suddenly lunged at her, so she ducked, moving backwards.

As she turned to face him, his fist slammed into her jaw, throwing her head back. Scarlett quickly shook off her surprise and faked a punch at his gut, then snapped her foot into the back of her knees. He stumbled a few steps then righted himself, as Scarlett leaped on him, causing him to fall forwards again.

He suddenly whirled around and slammed his foot into her side, and Scarlett heard a distinctive crack and hissed in pain. "What the hell?!" she spat. Chase raised an eyebrow.

"You started this" he commented airily, throwing a punch that Scarlett quickly blocked.

"You assholes are the ones who dragged me here! I had a place to go!" she said, ducking under his guard and shoving him backwards, punching him across the jaw as she did.

Chase stumbled backwards, a crooked smile on his face. "Fast" he commented in approval. "So you want to leave then? Go running back to fight on the streets?" he asked, laughing himself forwards.

Scarlett looked at him, shocked, and then Chase slammed into her, her knees buckling as she struggled to right herself.

She fell backwards as his foot smashed into her already broken ribs and she merely gave a tiny whimper of pain, not wanting to give Chase the satisfaction of hearing her scream. Chase's eyes gleamed when he heard her whimper and Scarlett looked at him and crowned internally. Who the hell smiles if they hear that someone's in pain? she thought, in disgust.

Her head smacked into the cement floor and she looked up with glassy eyes into Chase's blue ones as he bent over a small smirk on his face, before he straightened and slammed his foot down on her chest.

She groaned and rolled onto her side, coughing as she tried to get her breath back. Her muscles no longer supported her and she gazed through half-closed eyes at the shuffling ring of feet and legs around her.

A few moments later, she heard some quiet murmuring over her head and then she was picked up. She stared at Christian, annoyed as she tried to tell him to put her down, but all that came out was a few slurred mumbles. "Sorry, princess, didn't hear you" Christian said, smirking as he carried her through the people.

Scarlett debated kicking him, but decided against it, seeing as he would probably drop her intend of shutting up. She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to gauge how badly she was injured, without a professional opinion. Broken ribs, possibly two or three, bruised jaw, killer headache, and of course the bullet hole...

Scarlett suddenly felt soft material at her back and her eyes flew open, noticing that the shouts and laughs of the people in the other room had faded away, becoming a distant murmur. She tried to sit up, but Christian pushed her back down and she scowled at him, as he left the dimly lit room.

There was a half cracked door, that Christian had gone out of, leading into an even darker hallway. The bed was the only piece of furniture in the room besides a dresser that had clothes hanging haphazardly out of the drawers, with a deadly looking black pistol next to a shiny knife on top.

Then Christian came back in her line of vision and she looked up at him, dazedly. Her foggy eyes were slowly clearing and she smirked a little when she saw his swollen nose. "Uh, sorry about your nose" she said, trying not to laugh, going slightly delirious as the day caught up with her and the pain threatened to overcome her logic.

He shrugged, smirking. "It's ok, I've had worse. Besides you don't seem so sorry about it" he said.

"You have no idea" she said, sobering slightly when she remembered she didn't know him.

"I must say though, you've probably made a nice impression on Chase" he said, snorting.

"Good or bad?" she asked with a dry time of amusement.

"Hmm, I'd say undecided. He almost always fights a newbie to see what they're made of" Chase replied, placing a hand in his nose. "You held your own out there, though. I hope he didn't hurt you to much" he said, a note of concern in his voice.

Scarlett gave a dry laugh, and looked at him, with his crooked smile. "If he didn't want to hurt me, do you think he might've held back a little?" she asked.

"Well, you kind of did start it when you punched me in the nose. I'm like a brother to Chase so if I get hurt then..." he laughed.

"You sound like an eight year old pinning the blame on someone" Scarlett scoffed.

"Takes one to know one though" he said, whacking her shoulder lightly.

Scarlett winced, pain aching in her shoulder and in her heart. "I do not sound like an eight year old kid. It's just that you sound like my little sister..." she trailed off, an uncomfortable lump in her throat.

"Oh" he said and they sat there in an awkward silence for a few moments until he spoke again. "Sorry"

"It's ok, she's not dead though, if that's what you're thinking. She's still alive, I think, but I left her in an assassin's hands and I'm afraid he might threaten to harm her in order to get me" she said in a bare whisper.

"An assassin!" Christian shouted and Scarlett flinched, the broken ends of her ribs grinding together.

"Ow" she muttered as Christian continued.

"Who sent him?" Christian demanded.

"I'm still trying to figure that out" she said, gazing into his angry brown eyes, a little chill of fear running through her when she realized how much he looked like Kaiden.

"What?" he demanded.

"Nothing" she said, looking away.

"Tell me. I saw something change in your eyes" he said, leaning forwards a bit.

"You just look a lot like Kaiden, I mean the assassin" she muttered.

She heard Christian suck in a breath, but when she looked at him, his eyes had an emotionless cover over them. "Whatever" he snapped suddenly, walking out the door. He paused, almost at the door and looked back at her, his mouth opening to say something, but then seemingly changed his mind and only said, "Good night princess" before walking away and closing the door firmly behind him.

"Good night to you too, asshole" she muttered, stretching her shoulder a bit, so it wouldn't cramp up the next morning.

As she lay in the borrowed bed, she stared at the ceiling, surprised at how fast things were moving. A few hours ago, she had been in the hospital, and yet only a few days ago, she'd still been living normally, and she was here. She closed her eyes, wondering briefly what Christian's problem was.

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