Break Out

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* edited on 11/21/15

Scarlett woke the next morning with a fuzzy head and a dull pain in her chest. She squinted against the sunlight that shone in her eyes and as she regained her senses, she became aware of the overpowering white color. White walls, whit floor, and a whit beds that she lay on, Ellie next to her.

She stared at Ellie in confusion for a moment then realized Kaiden was next to her, his arm drooping down at his side as he sat in the chair, snoring. Then her memory came flooding back. Nico... She clenched her fist and sat upright in bed, even though it made her wince, and she realized she was hooked up to a variety of machines.

Beside her, Kaiden startled awake and the stared at each other for a few moments before Kaiden spoke. "You look like shit" he said.

"I just got shot idiot, of course I look like shit" she said. "What happened to Nico? Is he dead?" she asked hopefully.

Kaiden shook his head. "The police arrested him" he said. "Why do you do these things?" he asked her, staring at her with a strange expression in his eyes.

She shrugged. "I promised my mom...after she died though, that I would do anything to protect Ellie. I'd die for her" she said quietly, looking down at where Ellie lay on the bed beside her.

After a few minutes of silence, Ellie stirred and then sat up. "Hi Red!" she said cheerfully as though nothing had ever happened. Scarlett gave her a small smile in return, slightly surprised at her cheerful demeanor.

"Why are you so happy?" she asked quizzically.

Ellie beamed at her. "Nico got arrested!" she said, barely containing her excitement, her voice getting louder by the second.

Maybe the growing noise in the room, or some machine alerted him, but anyhow, the doctor came in and saw her sitting up and talking. "Ms. Brooks! Please, lie back down!"

Scarlett gave him an are-you-kidding-me look and shook her head. "Nah, I'm perfectly fine the way I am" she said.

The doctor gave a sigh and looked her straight in the eyes. Scarlett returned his gaze, never wavering or hesitating. Finally, the doctor cleared his throat and stepped over, turning to Kaiden. "Visiting hours are over, so if you would please leave..." he said, but before Kaiden could reply, Scarlett interrupted and spoke for him.

"No, they're staying" she said, sharply, leaving no room for an argument to begin.

The doctor gritted his teeth, then controlled his anger and managed to give her a smile. "I can see you're going to be a tough patient" he said in a tight voice.

Scarlett snorted. "Are you kidding me? I get shot trying to protect my sister and even after that, I have to deal with a dim-witted doctor? How long do I have to stay here?" she asked, abruptly changing the topic.

"You just got shot two days ago, died twice on the operating table and you want to go home?" the doctor asked in an incredulous voice. Scarlett nodded. "Not anytime soon" he said.

"How soon?" she asked.

"Maybe 8 weeks if it's looking good" he said, sighing and rubbing his forehead.

"I cannot stay here for a month and a half!" she protested.

"Well you're going to have to, even if I have to strap you down to the bed" the doctor replied, crossing his arms.

"Fine, could you leave us alone for a few minutes? I have something to discuss with my boyfriend and sister" she spat.

The doctor hesitated but after seeing Kaiden tense up and Scarlett's fury burning in her eyes, he nodded and left the room. Scarlett turned to Kaiden. "You have to get me out of here. Soon" she said.

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