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* edited on 11/21/15

Scarlett followed Kaiden down the streets, pestering him, and trying to make him tell her where they were going. He ignored her until they stopped in front of a very modern looking, high rise apartment building. She studied for a few moments then released Kaiden was waiting for her, holding the door open.

She moved through the door and saw a surprisingly small lobby area for a building of this size. Kaiden began to go up a set of stairs and she quickly followed him, though a bit slower be asked her chest was starting to throb. "Kaiden!" she called. "Slow down already!"

He froze and turned around. "You're the one who was in such a hurry to get here!" he protested but waited for her to catch up before moving forwards again. Once they reached the second floor, Kaiden pulled open the stairwell door and walked down the hallway, a little ways until he stood in front of the door that said, 231, on it. He unlocked it a gestured Scarlett in in with an old-fashioned arm sweep and a mock bow.

Scarlett made sure to punch him in the gut before walking inside. She stopped once she was a few feet inside and took it in. It was so different from what she was used to, that it took her a few moments to adjust. The door she had just come through showed the expanse of the living room and had a doorway cut into the wall that led to the kitchen, and a bigger opening next to it that showed a short hallway.

The living room had a dark grey carpet, a white sofa and two leather armchairs that were in various positions around a large flatscreen TV. The back wall, across from her was entirely glass showing the harbor, but had blinds to pull down over it.

Kaiden came up behind her, and said. "It's pretty cool, but you haven't seen half of it" he added with a smile.

One of the doors down the hallway opened and Alex came out, Ellie running towards Scarlett, a foolish grin on her face. "Scarlett!" she crowed happily, and threw herself at Scarlett hugging her.

Scarlett ignored the pain in her chest and hugged Ellie back tightly. "Hey Scarlett! Long time, no see" Alex said, coming up, grinning.

Scarlett released Ellie and smile back at her. "So, what did you threaten the police with so he would let you stay here?" she asked.

"Nothing, my sweet charm did it all" Alex replied with a laugh.

Scarlett shook her head and looked back at Kaiden. "So, you promised me there would be food" she said.

Kaiden rolled his eyes but gestured toward the kitchen. "It's all in there" he said, following Scarlett as she made a beeline for the kitchen.

The kitchen was just as impressive as the living room with a granite countertop and a giant chrome refrigerator, sitting in the corner, humming. A microwave sat below an open window that allowed a refreshing breeze to come in. Wooden cabinets lined the wall on the other side of the window, hanging over the sink and the stovetop.   A counter rested int eh middle of the paneled floor with four stools surrounding it.

Scarlett noticed none of this and pulled open the fridge, and within 30 seconds had crafted a big sandwich and was taking a bite out of it.

Kaiden blinked, amazed. "How did you...?" he asked in astonishment.

"Don't question my food-making powers" she replied, her mouth full.

"Ok then" he said, raising his eyebrows and sitting down on one of the stools, watching Scarlett eat.

After a few minutes, she paused and looked over at him. "What? Do I have something on my face?" she asked.

"Actually.." Kaiden stood and traced along her bottom lip with his thumb and leaned in as if to kiss her.

Scarlett pushed him away, rolling her eyes and taking another bite. "You can romance me later. Right now I have to eat" she mumbled.

Kaiden held up his hands in surrender, backing away. "Ok, ok, welcome back" he said, sitting back down and staring out the window idly, while Scarlett finished her sandwich.

Once she was done, she sighed and looked at Kaiden. "So, where's my bedroom?" she asked.

He raised his eyebrow, "In need of some romance already?" he asked, smirking.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "No, dumbass. I said my bedroom, not our bedroom. I'm tired and I want to sleep" she said.

"Oh" he said, leaping up. "Follow me, I'll show you" Kaiden walked out of the kitchen with Scarlett on his heels, and walked past Alex and Ellie, who were watching TV. He continued down the hallway before pushing open one of the doors. "You can have this one" he said.

Scarlett walked in and looked around in surprise. There was a king-sized bed with chocolate and orange sheets with a beige carpet covering the floor. The wallpaper was a rich brown and there was a set of dressers next to the patio door that opened onto the porch suspended in the air. A bathroom lay off to the other side of the bed. "...wow" she said, amazed.

"Yeah" he said, walking over to the glass patio door and looking out of it. Scarlett walked over to the bed and sat down on it, pulling her shoes. Kaiden turned around and looked at her in surprise.

"What? I said I was tired" she said, sliding under the soft covers and turning her back on him.

Kaiden looked at her for a moment then turned back around and close the shades and was walking out of the door when Scarlett called after him. "Oh, Kaiden, could you get me some painkillers if you go out? The strong ones, not the wimpy stuff"

"Hmm? Oh sure, I'll go get some now" he replied, stepping out and closing the door behind him.

Minutes later, when Scarlett was moments away from falling asleep, a ringing sound made her sit up and look around in annoyance. Eventually she found the source of the ringing. Kaiden's cell phone sat on the dresser next to her, though she wasn't sure how he afforded it.

Highly annoyed, she picked it up and pressed 'accept' ready to give the caller a piece of her mind. As soon as she picked it up, a smooth voice filled her ear before she could say anything.

"Kaiden? Is it done? Is she dead yet?"

Scarlett was so surprised that she didn't speak and silence dragged between her and the caller.

"Kaiden? Are you there?" The talker sounded irritated now.

"Who are you? And whose she?" Scarlett demanded.

There was an abrupt click and then the dial tone on the other end. Scarlett pulled the phone away and stared at the phone in her hand. What the hell?

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