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* edited on 11/22/15

"What?!" Scarlett gasped, backing away from Kaiden.

"I'm an assassin. Sent here to kill you" he said in the same monotone as before.

Scarlett back even further away until she closed her hand around the doorknob, her heart thudding painfully in her chest.

"I wouldn't do that" he warned, reaching into his waistband.

Scarlett didn't stay to find out what he was going to do, she twisted the doorknob and leapt out of the room, flying down the hallway, as she heard Kaiden shout her name. She didn't even pause as she leapt down the stairs and out the door.

Scarlett ran down the streets, her blood roaring in her ears, running until she was positive Kaiden wasn't following her and then bent over, heaving ragged gasps as she fought to catch her breath past the pain. Her chest began to pound painfully and Scarlett groaned, sinking to the ground in a nearby dirty alley.

Stupid! Stupid! She thought as she leaned her head back against the brick wall, her hand covering her chest. She never should have let Kaiden into her life.

As she looked around, she realized she didn't recognize anything, but did see the setting sun. She brought her feet under her and painfully climbed to hr feet, bent in half for a few moments before straightening up all the way.

"Hey princess, something wrong?" a rough voice asked. Scarlett's head flew up and saw three tall, lean men in front of her.

"What do you want?" she snapped, annoyed. Why did she run into trouble whenever she didn't have any weapons on her? she internally groaned.

The tallest one raised an eyebrow. "Feisty, hmm?" he said with a snort.

"Whatever" Scarlett said, rolling her eyes and turning to walk away. She'd only taken two steps before she heard the rush of footsteps and she whirled around, slipping into a defensive fighting stance.

The two other men were running at her and Scarlett quickly kicked one in the solar plexus, causing him to double over in pain while the other threw a punch at her. She quickly ducked and rammed a shoulder into his gut, knocking him sideways. The other came up from behind her, a fist already swinging forwards but Scarlett leaped backwards and his fist met empty air, resulting in his loss of balance as he staggered forwards.

Scarlett quickly kicked him in the face, sending his sprawling before spinning to face the other. He paused before attacking. "You've got some fighting blood in you" he said with a tone of approval.

"Street fighters tend to have fighting blood in them, asshole" she snorted, bringing her foot up to roundhouse kick him.

A sudden fist slammed into her head and she fell sideways, quickly hopping up though she could feel a trickle of blood coming down the side of her face already.

Scarlett got really annoyed then and decided it was time to finish the fight. Breathe. Fake left. Right hook kick. Move away. Breathe. Gut punch. Finishing blow.

Her routine ran through her head as she knocked down one, while avoiding the other, she swiftly moved through both of them, punching them and then sliding off to their side so they didn't know where she was.

Amateurs, she thought. She was getting tired though and trading blows with both was taking its toll. She threw another punch but didn't move quick enough out of the way so he grabbed her and proceeded to punch her...right where the bullet had passed through her body.

Scarlett bit back a scream and struggled to keep standing but her vision was fraying, pain in the same spot proving to much for her. The other man roundhouse kicked her and she staggered, held up okay by the man's grip on her arms.

"Enough" the first man suddenly said, coming up behind her and constricting her arms. Scarlett struggled against his grip, but it was like iron and she couldn't break it in her weakened state.

"What do you want with me?" she asked through pained gasps.

"We were just looking to take care of you princess. You did look kinda lost" he said.

"Well I'm not so...if you could let me go, it would be appreciated" she said coldly, looking at the other two men and noted with satisfaction that they both had at least one bruise forming.

"The name's Christian. That's Blake and Josh. We're about to show you the hospice of out gang" Christian said smugly. "You're going to need it" he added, dragging her along behind him as he walked further down the alley.

They walked down several streets that were only dimly lit and too shortcuts through alleys Scarlett never would've gone down this late in the day.

She probably would've been home with Ellie by now, eating supper. Her heart froze. Ellie... Her heart then proceeded to shatter as she realized that Ellie was in Kaiden's hands. That traitorous bastard, she thought furiously, kicking the ground with her foot.

"Somethin' wrong princess?" Christian asked, looking back at her.

Scarlett glared back. "No, and my name's Scarlett not princess" she spat furiously.

"Ah, the great and powerful princess speaks at last" Christian said, rolling his eyes. "Don't worry princess. You won't need a knight in shining armor to save you. We treat orphans real good"

Scarlett opened her mouth to tell him she wasn't an orphan and then realized that's what she was and shut her mouth, looking sulkily around.

Finally, they reached a big warehouse. Christian pulled open the door and pushed her inside. "Welcome to your new home" he said.

Scarlett aimed a kick at his knee but he dodged it. "I'm not staying" she said as she gazed out into the wide expanse of the warehouse, looking at the people, weapons, weights, punching bags and tables. One or two people turned to look at her but didn't seem to interested in her as they turned back to their friends.

Christian pulled her along as Josh and Blake melted into the crowds. "Where are we going?" Scarlett asked quizzically.

"To show-" he was cut off as a strong, from voice came from behind him.

"Christian! Did you find another little orphan off the streets?" A tall, muscular man with sweatpants, and a hoodie with no sleeves on as a shirt asked, as they turned around.

"Princess, meet Chase" Christian said, pushing her forwards.

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