New Terms

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*edited on 12/30/15

"Yes, no...I don't know!" she cried, taking a step away from him.

"I'm not mad Scarlett. Just tell me, is this really what you want to do?" he asked in a quiet even tone.

Scarlett paused for a moment, thinking over, considering all the ways it could go bad or work to her advantage. "Yes, this is what I want to do" she said with a firm voice.

Christian studied her for a moment. "Okay, Ellie!" he said, turning around, looking for Ellie.

"What?!" she asked, running into the room.

Scarlett's heart squeezed at the sight of her. "We're going over to my place" Christian said, kneeling in front of her.

"Really? Why?" Ellie asked in a curious tone.

"Scarlett has something to do and we might get in her way. So...we need to leave" he said, almost turning to look at Scarlett but instead kept his gaze on Ellie.

"Ok!" Ellie said happily, running out of the room.

"Wha-wait, Christian. You don't have to leave now" she protested, trying to meet his eyes.

Christian averted her seeking gaze as he stared through the doorway. "I'm sure you need the space. If you need me or change your know where to find me" he said, walking out of the room, leaving Scarlett behind with her mouth open in surprise.

Breaking out of her trance, she raced after him and jumped in front of him before he could fully leave. "Wait...could you just-just stay the night and then...leave in the morning? Please?" she asked, stuttering.

Christian stared at her for a long time, not saying anything. "...why?" he finally asked.

"...I don't know. I just don't want you to leave yet" she replied.

"No, I think I'd better leave" he said, rushing on before she could protest. "You need some peace and quiet to think about joining up with the CIA and I wouldn't be giving you any peace and quiet" he said, cracking a small smile.

Scarlett let out a shuddering breath and stepped back, allowing him to pass. "Ok" she finally said.

Christian nodded at her and left through the door, leaving Scarlett looking after him. She stood still a few more moments before she moved. Why did you want him to stay? she thought furiously. Get your head in the game!

She stormed into the room, that she had stayed in the night before and flopped down on the bed. She zoned out for a few minutes before something hard digging into her hip, made her roll over and pull it out in annoyance. She stared at the gleaming black 1911, growing even more frustrated and furious.

Was she out of her mind?! She was joining the CIA after she'd killed an innocent man for a gun and ammo?!

She considered chucking the gun at the wall, but figured it might ruin it and besides, what's done is done. Instead, she carefully placed the gun and ammo onto the might stand and sat on the edge of her bed, her body shaking with captive rage.

Suddenly, she jumped up, flinging herself off the bed and driving her fist into the wall, creating a gaping hole in the thin plaster. She strode out of the room and into the living room, looking for something that wouldn't crack or break beneath her fists, though it was satisfying to her building anger.

She was angry at Christian and Ellie for leaving her, at Kaiden for creating a monster of hr little sister, but mostly she was mad at herself for getting into this mess. She gulped in air, hoping it would calm her down, but instead it fueled her anger even more, just as a air provides fuel for a fire.

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