Around the World

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Scarlett woke up the next morning to a loud pounding on her door. Quickly throwing on her t-shirt she threw open her door and looked out at Ben who had a frantic look on his face. "What is it?" she demanded.
"Kaiden left the building. He's on the move. You have to track him down" Ben replied, speaking in short, simple sentences.
"Do you know where he is?" she asked stepping out of her room and closing the door behind her.
"Yeah, he's still in New York. You have to try and track him down" he said, leading her down the stairs and explaining along the way.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go" she said.
As it turned out, getting Kaiden Night wasn't as easy as Scarlett had originally thought. Their chase turned global as she chased him through country after country.
New York
Scarlett had followed Kaiden here, waiting for the right moment to strike. Unfortunately, Kaiden had noticed her, and they began a wild goose chase. Through Time Square. "Fuck you Night" Scarlett grumbled as she struggled to keep track of him as he dodged through the crowds. A man dressed as the Statue of Liberty gave her a weird look and she flipped him off before running after Kaiden.
Scarlett let Kaiden think he'd thrown her off his trail, and was now keeping an eye on him from her towel, where she was disguised as a beach goer. There were to many people for her to act, so she was watching him buy- seriously? Slush. Cold-blooded killer my ass, she scowled. Two girls had walked up and begun talking to him, and as he turned, he caught sight of her and froze. Seconds later, Scarlett hared after him down the beach, water splashing up around her pounding feet. If only there weren't so many people, if only, if only, if only...
Scarlett spun around in a circle, glancing from her map to the buildings surrounding her, totally lost. "Need some help there?" A British voice asked her, and she spun around, startled."Uh, yes please" she said imitating his British accent without thinking, then shook her head. "Thank you" she said in her regular voice.
Scarlett picked up the chase in Buckingham Palace. Kaiden darted through the rooms, looking like he was enjoying himself more than running in fear. Scarlett was a slight distance behind him when he rounded the corner. A second later, he ran back at her, quickly followed by three guards. Scarlett turned n her heels and dashed after him, the guards shouting after them, "Stop running!"
Scarlett had climbed the Effiel Tower in pursuit of Kaiden, and now she stood gasping at the top, whirling in a circle as she tried to locate him. "Lovely view, isn't it?" Scarlett spun around, gun cocked and aimed before she even stopped moving. Kaiden held up his hands, then cautiously reached out and slowly pushed the barrel of the gun down. "A little trigger happy, aren't we?" Scarlett holstered her pistol and grabbed his collar, pushing him over so that he was hanging over the edge of the balcony. "You. Killed. My. Sister" she snarled, and Kaiden smiled, or at least, tried to. "Sorry?"
"Sorry doesn't cut it. She was the only reason I lived!"
"What about your boyfriend whats-his-name?"
"It's Christian and he's not my boyfriend"
"Oh, then what exactly is he?"
Scarlett started to think about it, then jerked her head, pulling herself out of her thoughts. "It's none of your business" Kaiden raised his eyebrows. "Isn't it?"
"Shut your face, or you'll be a spot on the pavement for someone to find tommorrow"
"Oh, I'm so-gah" He helped as Scarlett shoved him further over, and grabbed her arms. "Hey!"
She wriggled." Let me go"
"No! If I go, your coming with me!"
Scarlett reluctantly pulled him back, and he collapsed on the ground in relief before she could slam him to the ground. "Why are you running all over the place?" she demanded, and he climbed to his feet smirking." All the more trouble for you" he said cheerfully, trying to get past her, and she moved to block his path. They danced back and forth for a minute, then Kaiden grabbed her shoulders, shoving her aside. "That's not nice!" she yelled, diving for him. The elevator doors closed a second before she got to them. "See you in Venice"
"Faster!" Scarlett yelled to the gondolier, who was chasing Kaiden's gondola through the 'streets' of Venice. "Arrgh!" Scarlett growled. "This is a chase, not a love ride! Faster!" A minute later, she gave up hope on the whole faster thing and pulled off her bag and coat and dove into the water. She swam up to the other gondola and rocked its side, sending Kaiden, as well as the gondolier, into the water. Scarlett was about to grab Kaiden when a gunshot rang out, and there was a splash next to her. "Ahh, shit, you idiot, he's got your gun!" Kaiden yelled at her, and she dove, toppling her gondolier as well. Gunshots followed her and Kaiden as they made for the shore and hauled themselves out. "Apparently he didn't like me very much" Scarlett grumbled and Kaiden smirked. "Can't imagine why not" Scarlett looked at him through her sopping hair and slapped him. "At least I didn't kill his little sister" she hissed and he smiled uneasily. "Um, about that-"
Scarlett slapped him again, and he winced, looking over at the gondolier pulling himself out of the water. "Uh, I think we should leave" Scarlett smiled innocently at the gondolier, the look sliding off her face when he raised his gondola pole. "I think it's time to leave" she agreed hurriedly.
Scarlett leapt over a fallen stone wall, cursing Kaiden in her mind as he raced ahead of her. Scarlett could just barely keep him in sight as she dodged through the crowd of old nuns, all chanting incessantly and holding candles. "Damn you Kaiden, slow the fuck down!" she yelled as she burst through the last of the nuns. She speed around the corner only to run smack dab into Kaiden, and she fell back.
"As you wish" he said with a smirk, turning around and taking exaggeratedly large, slow steps away from her.
She sprang up and reached out to grab him, but he sprang away with a laugh, running ahead before stopping at a corner and smirking at her, before darting forwards again.
She growled and began running again, rounding the corner to find herself in an old cathedral built into the castle.
"Please, do not run in the house of the Lord. It is important to maintain peace and quiet at all times" a whispery voice said next to her.
Scarlett looked over to see another nun and flashed her an apologetic smile.
"Yeah sorry, I can't do that" she said, striding forwards and looking around for Kaiden.
A loud crash drew her attention to the front where the alter stood. "Kaiden, don't touch the cross!" she yelled in annoyance.
"Hey Scarlett!" Kaiden called up to her from the floor of the Coliseum, and she hopped over the stands into the sandy pit. "Catch" he tossed her a sword, and she caught it. "Wait-what?" Kaiden smiled. "I have some time to kill"
"Speaking of killing" Scarlett scowled, lunging for him, and he skittered backwards. "Hey, hey, calm down, I didn't kill-" he broke off as Scarlett came at him, sword whirling. "Ellie? You didn't kill Ellie?"
"Gotta go" Kaiden tried, but Scarlett chased him around the area's with her sword. "You lied! And how could you have anything to do with my parents death? You were four!" Kaiden climbed out of the arena, and Scarlett chase after him. "Stop running and listen to me, goddamnit!"
Scarlett wove through the columns of the Parthenon after Kaiden. "Fuck Kaiden!" She yelled, stopping for breath, and he turned and saw she'd stopped, so he stopped too. "Why are you still chasing me?' he asked, and Scarlett shoved the hair out of her face as he continued. "I mean, you think I didn't kill Ellie, and I didn't have anything to do with your parents death, do...why?"
"Because I want answers" Scarlett scowled, coming after him again, and he blew out a breath rolled him eyes, and started running again.
Scarlett tried to make her camel go faster, but the animal just gave her a flat look and laid back its ears. Kaiden looked back at her, laughing, but his face changed to a look of terror when his camel decided to lay down. He pitched forwards, landing face first into the sand and lay there for a moment. "Bleeh" he spat, sitting up, and Scarlett smiled smugly as she trotted past him. "Alright, stop, camel. Stop. Stop already!"
Some village in Africa
Scarlett dashed down the dirt road, scattering a flock of chickens. "Sorry, s'cuse me, coming through!" she yelled as she went, hurtling a goat. Villagers let out startled exclamations as she went, the chicken-tender shaking his fist at her. Ahead of her, Kaiden was laughing, which meant he wasn't watching here he was going. Pigs scattered as he landed in their mud puddle, and Scarlett stopped beside him as he sat up. When he looked up at her, she held up her hands and backed away. "I ain't helping you up" she said, grimacing at the thick, brown layer of goop that covered the front half of him. She turned to a villager with a bucket of water and asked if she could use it. Once she had the ok, she took it and turned to Kaiden, who had just stood up. "Oh, no" he groaned, seeing the look on her face. "I don't need-"
"-a shower" he finished dejectedly, looking down at his soaked, but slightly cleaner, clothes. "You're welcome" Scarlett said cheerfully, handing the bucket back to the smiling villager.
Kaiden sprinted ahead of Scarlett, diving through the crowds of people that lined the Great Wall of China. She growled under her breath, momentarily debating whether or not to pull out her gun. Deciding against it, she pushed her burning legs to move faster, and she could see him just over a barrier into one of the towers. Fuck you, she thought as she leapt over after him, traveling quickly down the swirling stairs. Dust floated in the skylight as she chased after him, only knowing where he was by hearing his footsteps.
Suddenly a loud thump and a groan figured and she face palmed herself, traveling around one last corner and nearly tripping over his body as he lay sprawled at the bottom if the staircase. She quickly flipped him over and sat in him, pinning his arms down at his side and sticking her knife at his throat. His gaze focused in on her face and he sighed and rolled his eyes. "What do you mean you didn't have anything to do with my parents death? You practically admitted to being a part if it back in New York" she hissed. "Ah, but I was talking about why I was chasing after you, not how I was involved in your parents death. Which I wasn't" he said hurriedly, seeing her expression on her face. "What about Ellie?!" she spat.
"I don't know, what about her?" he said, trying to shrug casually.
"You know what I'm talking about" she said.
He opened his mouth to reply but at that moment Chinese enforcement men ran in and her head shot up, distracting her enough that Kaiden was able to throw her off and run out the small door, shouting over his shoulder, "It was Christian!"
Moments later Scarlett followed him, glancing over her shoulder at the angry men behind her.
Los Angeles
Scarlett glanced around the casino, spotting Kaiden's jacket standing out against all the brightly colored people. She slowly crept up to him and slammed a hand down onto his shoulder, making him jump and spin around. "Funny, Night. I didn't expect you to be playing poker"
"What, did you expect to be pick up a couple of stripper sluts that dance on a pole and take them home instead?" he asked, giving her an uneasy smile.
Not giving her time to respond, he sprang away and Scarlett quickly sprinted after him. He pushed chairs and baskets into her way and even grabbed a drunk lady, spinning her around into Scarlett's face.
She quickly dodged, leaving the poor women to fall flat on her face, while giggling hysterically. "Sorry!" she yelled over her shoulder.
Kaidne had reached the open night by now and she quickly picked up speed, leaping over some bushes and almost landing on top if him, as his eyes widened in surprised and he took a quick right into another fancy casino. He wove through the crowd and began sprinting up the stairs. Scarlett darte over to the elevator, and quickly pushed the button to the second floor, so she could cut him off.
"C'mon!" she urged the elevator. At last the doors opened with a ping and she sprang out, seeing Kaiden's surprised face as she tackled him to the floor.
Scarlett slammed Kaiden into a wall. "Why are you running? Especially after you know that I know you didn't kill my parents, and didn't kill Ellie? How do you know Christian did?" Kaiden pushed her hands off him. "I heard about what he did, and I'm surprised you followed me around the world instead of hunting him down" Scarlett frowned. "I didn't know he killed her-"
"C'mon, Scarlett, who else could've done it?"
"-and the CIA wants you dead"
"Oh, right. I find it hard to believe you chased me because some agency wanted me dead"
"Screw the agency, I wanted you dead! But then I found out you didn't actually do shit to me, and now I'm wondering how much of everything I've heard from you is a lie"
"Same here"
Scarlett frowned, looking off at the glowing lights of Vegas. "I thought he cared for me" she muttered to herself, but apparently Kaiden heard her. "That's what you get for kissing every guy you see. Seriously, you just met him, how would you know what kind of guy he was going to be? Who kisses someone they just met?" Scarlett turned to look at him. "How would you know?"
"You did the same thing to me!"
"Whatever, what are we going to do about Christian?"
"You're helping, at least as payback for making me chase you around the world when you didn't do anything to me"
Two hours later, Scarlett was waiting in room 217, sitting on the edge of her bed, applying a fresh coat of lipstick. A knock on the door made her rise and answer. "Hey Christian!" She planted a kiss on his cheek, leaving a red mark, and he grinned. "Hey, how's it going? What're you doing in Vegas?"
"Still chasing Kaiden"
"I'm sure you'll catch him soon. Give you some closure on Ellie's death"
"I'm sure it will. What are you doing here?"
"Seeing some old friends"
Scarlett smiled, and he leaned forwards, kissing her lips. His arms wrapped around her, and she let her arms snake around his neck. Somewhere in the background, she heard the hammer of a gun pull back with a loud click. Christian separated from Scarlett slowly, and they both turned to look at Kaiden, who was standing by the window, aiming a gun at them. "Step away from her"
"Why? So you can shoot her?"
"No" Kaiden glanced at Scarlett. "Seeing you kiss him is more disgusting than I thought it would be" Scarlett resisted the urge to smile as she pushed her hair out of her face, watching him warily.
Kaiden turned to Christian. "Sit in the chair" Christian sat slowly. Kaiden kept the gun pointed at Christian and sat on the end if Scarlett's bed. "So, I'm curious. Why did you do it?" Scarlett edged closer to Christian.
"Do what?" Christian asked, looking confused. Kaiden only smiled, like he and Christian were sharing a joke. "You know. Kill Ellie" he said it patronizingly, as if he were speaking to someone who had lost their memory. "What?" Christian rasped, and Kaiden narrowed his eyes. "Don't play that game, I know what you did" Christian glanced at Scarlett who was glaring at him with an unreadable expression on her face. "Scarlett, it's not true. He killed her, not me. He's lying"
"What? No-"
"Shut up" Scarlett growled. "How am I supposed to know who's lying and who's telling the truth?"
"Would I lie to you?" Kaiden asked, and Scarlett clenched a fist. "Yes. You would. You've already proved that" she turned to Christian. "You killed Ellie. You're the only one with her and Kaiden was threatening me when it happened" Christian opened his mouth, then closed it. Scarlett turned to Kaiden. "You lied. And lied. And wasted my time by making me chase you around the world. So," she took the gun from Kaiden and took the bullets out. "I'm done with you two. Get the hell out. You have five minutes before I reload this gun" Christian jumped out of his chair without a word and left, but Kaiden just looked at her. "So this is it? You're just...done?" Scarlett laid the bullets in the table, one by one. "Losing Ellie has made me realized how precious life is and how easy it is to lose it" she out the gun on the table. "She was all I lived for. She was the reason I did street-fighting. It was easy money, because I knew I could win. Now that she s gone...I'm done"
"No, don't talk like that. I've seen street fighters go down that road, and they either end up in jail or committing suicide"
"I'm not a street fighter anymore"
"I won't let you give up in life"
"You've only known me for a little over a month, and now you think you're going yo save my life? I won't give up on life. Maybe I'll go into the police force. Try to save lives instead if take them. Defend them instead of beat them up"
Kaiden was silent, and he just stood, looking at her. "What about me?"
"What about you? I thought I loved you for a week, and then I spent the rest of the time thinking you were a murder who took my little sister's life, and the only thing I wanted to do was to make you pay"
"And once you found out it was Christian? That need for revenge just dissappeared?"
"Killing him won't bring Ellie back. Killing anyone won't bring Ellie back. But if I can become a police officer, I can bring people like us to justice"
Kaiden eye's darkened. "Why dies the CIA want me dead?"
"Something about bring a threat to the world and killing people"
"Do you think I'm a threat to the world?"
Scarlett tilted her head. "I don't know. Are you?"
"...therefore I will not kill this man. He is no longer a threat to the people, and-"
"He killed eleven people!" Thomas looked like he was going to burst a vein. Scarlett frowned at him. "Yes, I know, I'm getting to that part. As I was saying, I believe Kaiden Night should be locked in prison for the rest of his life, to rot in a cell and compensate all the reasons he was put there, and why it was wrong to kill them" she smiled at Thomas, then Kaiden, who looked like he wanted to strangle her. "The case is closed! I'm off to police school!"

So, Life of a Street Fighter is officially over! Was it good? I might make a second book, from Kaiden's point of view, I'll keep you updated. I hope you enjoyed this book!! Comment if you want to share some ideas on what you think the second book should be about!
Oh, yeah my sister helped me write this chapter which is why it took longer than normal, so sorry for the slow update.

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