Found (Part 2)

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* edited on 11/21/15

Kaiden's POV

Kaiden raced across the alley towards Scarlett, his only objective to reach her but Nico sprang into his path, gun aimed at him. He didn't hesitate and ripped the gun out of Nico's hands before cracking him across the jaw with it. Nico crumpled to the ground and Kaiden threw the gun away, sending it spinning off into some desolate corner, before he leapt over Nico's still body, and knelt by Scarlett.

He looked desperately at her pale face for any signs of life, but he found none. He put his hand on the side of her neck, hoping to feel a pulse and was rewarded with a weak, sluggish pulse. A loud shout made him turn his head quickly, and he saw Alex yelling into her phone.

Kaiden turned back to Scarlett, risking a glance at the ever growing stain on her shirt and the flow of blood coming from the bullet hole in her chest. He tore off his nylon jacket and pressed it firmly against her, hoping to stem the flow of blood somewhat and increase the chance of her living.

A whimper drew his attention away from Scarlet and he saw Ellie on the ground next to him, tears sliding down her face, with a look of terror in her eyes as she stared at Scarlett's bloody body.

Knowing that Ellie was more scared than he was, and might go into a state of shock, he pulled Ellie into his arms, trying to maintain pressure on the jacket, just as an ambulance screeched to a stop in front of the alley.

Soon Scarlett was being loaded into the ambulance while Nico was being revived and hauled off the ground, before being shoved into a police car. Kaiden looked at Scarlett's pool of blood on the ground, his bloodied jacket lying next to it. He felt his eyes blur with tears but he held them back and pressed his face into Ellie's hair, whispering, "It's going to be ok" to Ellie, even though he was trying to calm himself down as well.

Kaiden eventually ended up in the hospital's waiting room, though he had no recollection of coming here. He stared at the white wall, Ellie sitting in his lap, who no longer had blood splattered on her face, due to a nurse wiping it off so it didn't look like she was the one who had been murdered.

Kaiden had images running through his head over and over, as if they were stuck on replay. The fierce glint in her eyes on the day that he'd first seen her, the way her muscles moved fluidly under her skin when she fought, the way she'd run to protect Ellie without a second thought,though it could have cost her and might cost her, her life.

He sighed, wishing he hadn't gotten her into this mess. Then maybe she wouldn't be lying in a hospital, deathly still.

The sky outside the window darkened into night and now it was brightening again. Ellie was asleep on his lap, and Kaiden felt the drain of not sleeping begin to take a toll on him as well.

Finally, the doctor came in, pulling off his bloody Latex gloves as he did. Kaiden stood quickly, but so abrupt as to wake Ellie. "How is she?" he asked desperately, his heart racing.

"She's in stable condition. But she almost died twice on the operating table" he replied, sighing.

"Can I see her?" Kaiden asked.

The doctor hesitated but upon hearing the desperation in his voice, he nodded. "Follow me. She's in room A-113" he said.

Kaiden followed the doctor down the white, quiet halls of the hospital for a few minutes before the doctor stopped in front of one of the white doors with brass numbering that lined the halls. He pushed it open and Kaiden saw Scarlett lying on the unite bed, hooked up to a number of machines. The doctor gently closed the door behind him and Kaiden shook Ellie awake.

"Hey, wake up. Your sister is here" he said, and Ellie picked her head up sleepily as Kaiden sat down in the chair that sat next to the bed. Ellie crawled out of his arms and climbed onto Scarlett's bed, and curled up before falling back asleep.

Kaiden studied Scarlett for a moment before he took her cold hand in his, and sat back. Eventually, sleep overcame him and when the nurse came to check on his she found them like that; Ellie sleeping next to her nearly dead sister and Kaiden sleeping, holding on to her hand.

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