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* edited on 11/28/15

Scarlett backed away from Chase, who loomed over her, a stormy expression in his face. "Answer me!" he shouted, getting in her face.

"He-he got taken" Scarlett stammered, shocked by his behavior.

"By who?" Chase growled in a dangerously low tone.

Scarlett steeled herself for his reaction as she answered. "An assassin"

Chase leapt at her, his eyes holding only rage and bloodlust. Scarlett quickly dodged him, twisting her body to escape his grasping hands. "Woah, Chase, you need to calm down. It won't do you any good to beat up the one person who knows where he is" she said, trying to reason with him.

"The time to talk is done. You let him get taken, I can see it in your eyes" he snarled, clenching his fists.

Okay, Scarlett thought, he is clearly behind reason. He suddenly lunged at her again and Scarlett brought her foot up, smashing it into his chin before slipping under his guard and shoving him, face first, into the pavement.

Quicker than Scarlett thought he would've gotten up, he did and spun around to face her, blood trickling from his nose. The situation was so similar to fighting someone who thought he was untouchable, and then couldn't even touch her, that she had to smirk.

Smirking was apparently the wrong thing to do as Chase dropped into a fighting stance then moved towards her, his hand landing a blow on her head, snapping it back, before she could dodge. She quickly tried to hook her foot behind his knees to throw him down again, but he anticipated it and grabbed her leg, throwing her off.

Scarlett landed on her hands and quickly flipped, feeling the gun slid out of her waistband as she brought herself to her feet just in time to block a killer roundhouse blow to her head. She staggered, thinking, this was no ordinary fighter. She quickly kicked his side, then twirled and smashed her elbow into his face.

He let out a cry of pain, which only drove Scarlett to move faster and hit harder. She dove at his knees, knocking him down, then punching him repeatedly until he lay still on the cement. She stood up and dusted her hands off, wiping some blood off her forehead as she looked down at Chase, expecting him to spring at her in anger.

"I'm sorry Chase. I didn't want to do this" she murmured. "But I will free Christian" she vowed before turning and walking back to the motorcycle.

She hopped on and stuck the keys in the ignition, wondering where she should go. It seemed that every place she went, she had to leave after a few days.

She finally settled on going to the apartment where she and Ellie had scraped by for a number of years. Dusk was falling as she pulled out into the traffic, New York City coming alive with its many lights.

Sitting at a red light, something flashed through her mind. What had happened to her parent's house? Had it been sold, destroyed? The questions burned Scarlett's mind and she finally decided to go back and see it under the cover of night.

A few minutes later, she pulled up to a medium sized house, not to far from the city.

She sat on the idling motorcycle for a few minutes, staring at the living room light. Then, making a decision, she turned off the bike and slipped into the shadows of the yard, watching through the windows, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone inside the house.

As she gazed through the kitchen window, her mind flooded with memories once again, a figure stepped into view, standing in front of the the stove. Scarlett watched the woman stir something in a pot on the stove, reminding herself that this was a pointless waste of time and she should really get going.

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