Found (Part 1)

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* edited on 11/19/15

Scarlett walked through the crowd, pulling Ellie behind her as she slid by people or just shouldered them aside. Finally, when they were near the front, Scarlett lifted Ellie up so she could see. As she did, she saw Alex who stood across the ring, and smiled, Alex acknowledging her presence with a wave. Kaiden then drew her gaze, like a moth to a flame.

He was leaning against the brick wall, watching the street fighters in the middle of the crowd. She studied him, a small smile playing with the corner of her mouth. Then the fighters drew her attention back to them, as the crowd whooped for the one they had bet on.

Scarlett watched the thickly-built man land a final punch on his opponent's jaw, throwing him to the ground. The man raised his hand in victory and Scarlett saw the exchange of money as people cashed in their bets.

"Who's next?!" the winning man asked, in an extremely loud voice. She watched a Kaiden pushed off the wall and strode over to the front of the man. The man looked him up and down, sizing him up, and the crowd began to murmur, as they placed their bets.

While the last man's opponent was being literally dragged out of the center, Kaiden and his opponent had begun to circle each other, both looking for an opportunity to land the first blow.

Kaiden struck first, darting under the man's guard and sending him stumbling back before swinging a heavy fist into Kaiden's shoulder, knocking him off balance. What Kaiden's opponent lacked in speed, he made up for with durability and strength. He reminded Scarlett somewhat of a grizzly bear, and she found herself wondering what she would be doing if she was fighting this man instead of just watching.

Kaiden slid under the man's next punch and slammed his elbow into the back of the man's neck, whirling around and bringing his leg into the man's knees in a single motion, sending him stumbling forwards. His opponent straightened and wheeled around, the crowd seeming to hold their breath. Then two gunshots rang out, followed by a third moments later.

The crowd scattered, fearing the police, should they get arrested. Scarlett didn't move, and just squeezed Ellie tighter as people rushed by her, waiting for Kaiden, the crowd buffering her from both sides, making it difficult to stand without getting knocked over. As the last stragglers cleared, she saw him coming towards her. She set Ellie down, so she could run better and waited for Kaiden to cross the last few yards to them.

"Scarlett, come one!" she heard Alex yell. She turned and saw Alex standing at the corner, waiting for them, a look of exasperation and urgency on her face. As she turned back to Kaiden though, a horrible realization dawned on her.

"Kaiden" she said in a small whisper, which he somehow heard. "There's no police" Kaiden's face paled slightly and they both turned to see Nico step out from the shadows, a .40 Glock pistol in his hands, gleaming with brutal malice.

"Fancy meeting you here Kaiden. What's up Scarlett?" he said cruelly, sarcasm lashing his tone. Scarlett didn't answer him, feeling her heart rate begin to speed up, as adrenaline poured into her veins, causing her limbs to become tensed in readiness, poised to attack or dodge.

Nico's attention suddenly snapped away from them though. "Don't move" he said, malice in his voice.

"Oh, uh, sorry man. I'll going" Scarlett heard Alex say.

"No! Get over here!" Nico snarled, and Scarlett felt a tiny part of her relax slightly, knowing he would have a harder time controlling them all.

"What do you want with us Nico?" Kaiden asked in a menacing tone.

"You already know. I'm going to kill you all. Except the little kid. I like her, she has guts. She'll make a lovely stripper when she gets older, I'm sure. Com're sweetheart" he said, motioning Ellie forwards. Ellie squeezed Scarlett's waist tighter for a moment and then she was gone, walking towards Nico, a look of cool rage masking her fear.

"Stop right there" he said in a cold tone when Ellie was almost to him.

He then turned back to them, a smile on his face, the smile of someone who got what he wanted. "You know, my favorite part was when you guys went to the other apartment and didn't even realize that I was in the room next to yours. I listened in about a dozen times to your conversations. Very entertaining" he said with a laugh.

Scarlett turned to look at Kaiden, her breath hitching in her throat. "We...he was..." she sputtered in disbelief. He nodded, not even looking at her, scowling at their stupidity and naïve belief that they would be safe without checking the surrounding area.

"Before I kill you all, I want you to feel the pain that you've caused me" he said, abruptly changing the topic and swinging his gun around until it was pointed at Ellie. His finger tightened on the trigger and Scarlett heard herself scream, before she was running across the dirty alley ground, in hopes to protect Ellie.

The gun fired, a small explosion that seemed to echo bizarrely in the small, empty alley.

A few seconds later, Ellie lay on the ground, tears running down her face, cutting tracks through the blood that was splattered on her face, from the bullet exploding out of Scarlett, who now lay on the ground in front of her, her fingers spasming in pain.

She knew what being stabbed was like, but this... It felt like someone had ripped out her heart and replaced it with a molten new one. Her lungs gasped for air but the pain had spread to her throat and it felt like she was choking.

She saw Kaiden running towards her, impossibly slow, as her world faded to black and the burning pain reached her head. I'm sorry Mom, I couldn't save everyone.

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