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*edited on 12/13/15

Scarlett drove down the street, a bit slower than before, unsure of whether it would be safer to leave Ellie behind or bring her with her. She turned down the tiny street, still debating inside her head. Scarlett parked the motorcycle behind the dumpster again, just as she had yesterday when she was listening tonKaiden threaten Christian.

Scarlett finally decided to leave Ellie here, seeing as she had impressive knife skills. She handed her one of the knives that she'd picked up from the gun shop. "Use this if you have to. I'll be back soon" she promised.

Ellie looked up at her. "But why can't I come with you?" she asked.

"It's to...dangerous. But I also need you to keep watch out here" Scarlett replied, looking her in the eyes.

Ellie pouted but remained seated. "Fine. Be back soon though" she mumbled, twirling the knife in her hands.

Scarlett sighed and straightened, drawing her gun, her mind already focused on what was going to happen inside that building, considering the fact that Kaiden was keeping Christian there. She crept up slowly along the glass-covered alley way, her gun poised and cocked, ready to shoot anything that moved.

Reaching the metal door that was painted an unflattering great, she grabbed hold of the doorknob, testing it to see if it was unlocked or not. To her surprise it turned easily in her hand and she cautiously pushed it open, peering around the door both ways, before stepping inside. She let the door close gently behind her and she looked around for any signs of movement.

Dusty boxes and shelves were the first things her eyes saw as she stepped in, with random pieces of dirty paper strewn across the floor. Scarlett looked cautiously around all the shelves, both hands on her gun. Nothing moved so she continued down the hallway, her newly acquired boots making quiet thuds on the cement floor.

Water dripped from the pipes running along the walls, popping into shiny puddles on the floor as Scarlett's eyes adjusted to the dimness of the hallway.

Scarlett could see the end of the hallway open up into a room, so she hugged the walls, her gun by her head as she inched towards the bright room. She looked carefully into the room, turning her head to check every angle that she could. Seeing no one, she slid out and stayed wit her back pressed against the wall, her gun pointing out in front of her as she took in the high ceiling room.

It had to be at least twenty feet from floor to ceiling with a metal walkway going around the room about ten feet up. The walls were entirely white with a hard, very floor. Two of the walls had more shelves, breaking only for windows, though a lot of them were boarded up with plywood.

A table sat in the center of the room, with two chairs on either side of it. One of the chairs had ropes dangling down from it. She inched closer to a pile of boxes, her gun still held out in front of her. Glancing at the nearest box, she read it with a frown, Timing Belts.

She shook her head in confusion, about to dash across the open floor to the white door on the other side when loud voices and footsteps reached her ear. She dove behind the pile of boxes, rolling into a crouching position, her finger on the trigger.

She heard the sound of the door being opened and the voices got much louder. Scarlett peered around the edge of the boxes, wondering who it was. The man that had given her the motorcycle from the fight club, was hauling a skinny man by his arms, making him stumble his way into the chair that had the ropes attached to it.

Quicker than she thought a man his size could move, he had restrained the skinny man's feet and hands to the chair, tightly, judging by the pained grimace on the skinny man's face.

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