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I wake up to the sound of pounding on my door. I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes as I look over at the clock...6:30 A.M. Who the hell is pounding on my door at six-thirty in the morning, as if I don't already know.

I swing my feet out of bed and stand up, I walk out of my bedroom and down the hallway to the staircase. As I'm walking down the stairs I can hear muffled shouting coming from outside my front door, "Venus! Wakey wakey it's time to get up!" I roll my eyes as I walk over to the door and fling it open.

Once it's open I see Dream, Sapnap, and George standing there, smiling at me like a bunch of idiots.

George is wearing light-washed jeans, a blue t-shirt, tennis shoes, and those stupid white goggles that I secretly love (but would never admit to him) on top of his messy brown hair.

Sapnap is wearing black sweatpants, a white t-shirt with a long sleeve black one underneath, and the white headband he always wears tied around his forehead, keeping his longish dark hair out of his eyes.

Then there's Dream. He's wearing a neon green hoodie, you'd be able to see him for miles. He also has the mask he always wears, but it's propped up on top of his head at the moment.

I'm not sure why he feels the need to wear it, it's just a round, white mask with a smile on it. He doesn't need it, he looks fine enough. He always wears it though, whenever we go out, the only time he doesn't wear it is around me, George, and Sapnap.

I guess it is kind of what makes Dream, well, Dream.

"Why are you guys pounding on my door at six-thirty in the morning?" I ask them, my voice ragged, still filled with sleep. "Uh, we told you we were leaving early..." Sapnap answers as if I'd just asked the most ridiculous question in the world.

"Yeah, early. Eight is early, nine is early...six-thirty is still sleeping time," I say as if I'm talking to children.

"Well it's like an hour and a half long walk, if we don't get there early, all the good stuff will be gone," George says to me innocently. "C'mon Venus, what else do you have to be doing right now?" Dream adds.

"Sleeping," I state shortly before slamming the door in their faces.

I turn to walk back upstairs when I hear the door open. I turn back around and see the three of them walking inside. "Oh yeah, come on in, make yourselves at home," I say sarcastically. "We always do," Sapnap says as he walks towards the kitchen.

I let out an exasperated sigh and throw my hands up in the air. George walks over and plops down on the couch. I bring my hands to my temples and rub them in frustration as Dream walks over to me.

"Come on V, don't be mad," he says as he reaches for my hands. I look up at him, he's significantly taller than me, and I pout. "Go upstairs, get ready, do whatever you need to do, I'll make you some breakfast and we can head out whenever you're ready," he says comfortingly, squeezing my hands.

I look at him for a few more seconds before nodding in agreement, "Fine, I'll be ready soon," I say as I turn and walk up the stairs.

God, they drive me insane, but I love them all. We've been best friends since I moved here five years ago, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

In the beginning, it had just been me, George, Sapnap, and Dream. Then Dream invited more people to move here, just like he'd done when he met me. George and Sapnap were here before me, but we all connected pretty quickly. Dream's been building his, I guess you could call it a kingdom, ever since.

There's the community house, which is always open to everyone. Then we each have our own houses, they're nothing huge, but they're home. We also have a courthouse (which we never use), and a farm.

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