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"Yep, let's go," George says as he shoots up from the couch, causing me to fall back onto it since I was leaning on him.

"Was that really necessary," I ask, glaring at him. He shrugs as he takes my hands to help me up. I pick up my backpack and swing it over my shoulders, I go to turn the lights off before I head towards the front door.

I grab my bow and quiver from where they're hanging and put the quiver over my shoulder with my backpack, carrying the bow in my left hand. I shut the front door and join the three boys on the walkway in front of my house.

The wooden walkway ties the whole kingdom together, leading to all the buildings and ending at the community house, which for some reason is built in the middle of a pond.

"Did no one else want to come?" I ask as we start walking. "Ponk and Alyssa are taking care of the lemon trees today, Bad and Sam are going to start expanding the walkway, and I honestly have no idea what Callahan is doing but he said he didn't want to come," Dream explains.

"Oh, so basically everyone hates us," I say sarcastically. "Basically," he laughs.

Once we're off the pathway we start heading west towards the village, which is just on the other side of the forest. "God, it's hot today," Sapnap says after about ten minutes of walking. "Well that's what you get when you wear sweatpants and two shirts," George remarks.

"It's called fashion, George. Maybe you should try it out sometime," Sapnap replies smartly. "Oh sure, 'fashion,' that is not fashion," George starts to argue back. I fall back to walk behind them, I've learned the hard way that it's the safest thing to do when they start arguing.

Dream joins me behind them, I look over at him, squinting because of the sun. "What's it been, fifteen minutes?" I ask him softly so that George and Sapnap don't hear me. Dream laughs, "I think it's almost been fifteen minutes," he answers.

I shake my head and look forward at the two of them fighting, "Can't take them anywhere," I say. "Tell me about it," Dream says.

We continue walking for another twenty minutes before we reach the forest, George and Sapnap are still arguing. I don't think they're arguing over Sapnap's clothes anymore, I'm not sure though, I stopped listening.

"Does anyone want water before we go any further?" I ask, shouting over their bickering. "Yes please, I'm dying," Sapnap says dramatically. I set down my bow and quiver and proceed to take my backpack off. I set it on the ground and crouch beside it to pull out a bottle of water.

I grab one from the bottom of my bag and hand it to him. "I brought eight waters so everyone gets one on the way there, and one on the way back. I figured you morons wouldn't have packed any for yourselves," I say to them.

"Aw, you know us so well," Sapnap says, opening the water I'd just handed him. I roll my eyes, "George, Dream, do you want one?" I ask as I pull one out for myself. "Yes please,' Dream responds and I see George nodding his head.

I hand both of them a bottle of water before zipping up my backpack and putting it back over my shoulder. I pick my stuff up off the ground as we start walking again. My bag feels so light now, all that's in it is the remaining for waters and a small sack of emeralds to trade to the townspeople.

I didn't pack anything else so that we'd have space for whatever we get at the village. George brought his backpack with him as well, but the other two didn't bring anything besides their weapons.

I don't know what they'd do without me honestly, waste a lot of time probably.

We walk for about another forty minutes, telling jokes and stories the whole time. I know we're almost out of the forest but my feet hurt so badly. "Guys, can we sit down for a minute? My feet are killing me," I ask pleadingly.

"No, we're almost there, suck it up," Sapnap tells me and I let out a small whine. "Yes," Dream starts as he glares at Sapnap, "of course, we can stop for a little bit," he finishes, smiling at me. Sapnap rolls his eyes and sits down by a tree, crossing his arms.

"Sapnap, I'm sorry, just a short little break, not that long," I say as I set my things down on the ground. Dream shoots him a look of warning and Sapnap's attitude changes almost immediately. "You don't have to apologize V, I was being an ass," Sapnap says, I smile at him.

I sit down under a different tree and Dream sits next to me. "I don't need you to stick up to them for me you know," I say, untying my boots and taking them off. "He was being a jerk, obviously I'm going to say something," Dream says.

"Venus, why are you taking off your shoes when you're just going to make Dream put them back on for you?" George asks as he sits down a few feet away from me. "I'm not going to make Dream put them back on," I say defensively.

"Yeah right, I don't believe you for one second," George says laughing. "I'm not," I insist, "because I'm going to make you put them on for me," I say smartly. He stops laughing as soon as I say it, "Good one, not happening V," he says. "We'll see," I say, smiling at him mischievously.

A few minutes later I start putting my boots back on as an indicator that I'm ready to go. The three boys gather up their things and stand up. "George!" I call to him, holding my untied shoe up in the air.

He turns around and looks down at me, he shakes his head, "No, I'm not doing it, tie your own shoe," he says, crossing his arms. I stick my lower lip out to pout, "Pleaseeeee Gogy," I whine. He throws his head back and lets out a defeated sigh as he walks over and rests my foot just above his knee.

"You are so annoying Venus, you know that?" he asks as he finishes tying one boot and holds out his hand for the other. "You love me, I say as I swing my other foot up into his hands. "Whatever," he mumbles.

Shortly after we start walking again we reach the end of the forest, meaning we're only about ten minutes away. "Alright, what exactly do we need to make sure we get today, just so we don't forget anything?" I ask.

"Well I know we need a new ax, ours broke the other day, I need more arrows, and I was going to see if Marvin can fix this chip in my sword," Dream answers, I nod in acknowledgment. "We need more liquor, we're almost out," Sapnap states.

"That's your only concern? Alcohol?" I ask him, rolling my eyes. "Well obviously, it's important, plus I'm pretty sure you're the one that drank it all you alcoholic," he says, turning and walking backwards to face me.

"Whatever, turn back around before you run into something," I say, flipping him my middle finger. "Well I'm starving so I'm definitely getting a snack," George says dramatically.

After about ten minutes we reach the village. "Dream you said you need more arrows?" I ask, turning to him. "Yeah wanna come with?" he responds, pulling his mask down over his face. "Yeah I'm running a little low," I answer.

"I'm going to find Meredith before I die of starvation," George says as he walks away, Sapnap follows him. Meredith is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. She's a bit older, has lots of kids, and she is the best cook.

"Why is he literally so dramatic?" I ask Dream as we start walking towards the village center. "It's Gogy, that's why," Dream chuckles.

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