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I start shifting as I feel myself start to wake. I can feel sunlight on my face and start to blink the sleep out of my eyes. As I start to wake up I realize that I'm still laying on Wilbur's chest and we're still on the mountain.

I sit up, causing Wilbur's arm to fall from where it was resting across my back, in turn causing him to stir from his sleep. As he wakes up I look around and see that the sun isn't even fully above the horizon yet.

I look back down to Wilbur who's rubbing his eyes, "What time is it?" he asks, his voice deep and groggy with sleep. "I'm not sure, the sun isn't all the way up yet. I guess we fell asleep up here last night," I answer him.

He sits up and squints at me, still not fully awake, "You fell asleep, but I didn't want to wake you so I didn't move. Then I fell asleep," he says, a smile across his face. I roll my eyes, "So, as I said, we fell asleep."

He continues smiling at me, "You look cute in the morning," he says. "Oh shut up," I say, reaching up to fix my hair, and putting it into a ponytail. "No I'm serious," he starts, "very cute," he finishes, his smile growing wider.

"Mhm, sure, you too," I say, reaching up to fix his messy brown hair, pushing it up out of his eyes. He just continues smiling, and he does look very cute.

"We should probably head back, I need a shower," I say, standing up. Wilbur groans, "But do we have to?" "Well you can stay up here as long as you like, but I'm leaving," I answer. He lets out a small whimper before reluctantly standing up.

"Alright fine, lead the way," he says, disappointed. I walk back to the dirt path that I had led him up the night before and start walking back down. "Be careful, it's kind of steep on the way down," I call back to him, looking behind me to make sure he's still following me.

I see that he's going very slow, placing every step carefully and holding on to the trees near the pathway so as not to trip and fall. I begin to laugh but quickly stifle it. He looks up from the ground to me.

"What's so funny?" he asks, offended. "You," I reply, still trying hard to hold in my laughter. "Well I don't want to fall and then take you out on my way down," he says as if he's trying to defend himself.

I roll my eyes and reach out my hand for him to take it, he looks at it then back up to me unsure. "I won't go fast like I did last night, I promise," I reassure him. With that he grabs my hand tightly, I can tell that he's actually a little nervous.

I wait for him to stand beside me before I start walking down again slowly. "The trick is to not put your full body weight on just one foot at any time. So, when you take a step, stay on the balls of your feet, don't put your heel down when you take a step," I explain to him.

He nods without saying anything, a look of intense focus on his face. It takes us about ten minutes to reach the bottom, the same amount of time it had taken us to climb up. We had been going slower this time around, but it was also a downhill climb.

"Look, we did it, and neither one of us fell even once," I say encouragingly, letting go of his hand. He smiles at me, "You're right, it wasn't so bad once I got the hang of it," he says.

"Once you've been up there a few times, you'll be able to do it with your eyes closed!" I tell him. "Well, I don't know about that, but I'm sure I'll be a little more in shape," he replies, laughing.

"Wanna race home?" I ask him enthusiastically. "No way, you'll smoke me, you saw how winded I was last night just from walking here," he says. I ignore him and start running, "Last one to your place has to make breakfast tomorrow!" I shout as I run away from him, back towards the kingdom.

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