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"Holy shit," I whisper to myself as I immediately see smoking rising from the direction where the vineyard is. Dream walks over and stands next to me. "What's gotten into Sapnap, why would he do that?" I ask in disbelief. Dream just shakes his head.

"Maybe we should go find them together, Sapnap will listen to you better than he will me, and I know Tommy better so it might be easier," I say to Dream, hoping he'll agree. I really don't want him to scare Tommy, even if he was involved. He's just a kid.

Dream thinks to himself for a moment before answering, "I suppose you're right," he states as he starts walking towards Sapnap's house. I catch up and walk beside him, neither one of us saying anything the entire time.

Once we get there Dream knocks loudly on the door, I stand just behind him. After a few seconds, Sapnap opens the door, looks at us, then rolls his eyes. "Oh great, mom and dad are here to scold me for my actions," he says sarcastically.

"Do you think this is a joke?" Dream says, calmly, but clearly angry. Sapnap shrugs, "I mean, I think it's funny, yeah," he says nonchalantly. "What the hell were you thinking?" Dream asks, stepping into the doorway so that the two are eye to eye.

"Dude, it's just a couple of scrawny lemon trees who cares–" Sapnap starts to say defensively before Dream grabs the front of his shirt and pushes him against the doorframe forcefully. I gasp and bring my hand to my mouth at the harsh action.

"The big deal is those weren't your trees to burn down, the big deal is you blatantly broke one of the very few rules we have here, the big deal is you took one of the newcomers with you and set a horrible example for him," Dream says, raising his voice.

Sapnap just stares at him for a moment, his face burning with rage. "Tommy is finishing up his house...base...whatever it is and it's right next to the lemon trees...or what's left of them...and I told him I could help him get more room for his base if he helped me," Sapnap explains. "No one even uses those lemons anyway, they fall to the ground and rot. All they do is attract bugs and chill out!" he snaps as he pushes Dream off of him.

I can tell that Dream is fuming so I step in front of him, I'm now face to face with Sapnap. "Listen, Sapnap, you obviously can't be teaching a child who's new around here that arson is just something we're okay with. Destruction of property is never something we've allowed and it would be dumb to set that precedent now with all the new faces around," I say calmly.

Sapnap still looks mad, but his expression softens. "Okay, yeah, whatever, maybe it was a stupid idea. I wasn't thinking, I just wanted the adrenaline rush," he mumbles, looking away.

"You need to apologize to Ponk and Alyssa and help them replant," Dream says firmly from behind me. Sapnap scoffs and opens his mouth to argue but Dream cuts him off before he can say anything, "Either apologize and help them replant or be at the courthouse at noon tomorrow for a hearing," Dream says before turning and walking back down the path in front of Sapnap's house.

Sapnap watches him for a second, mouth open in disbelief before looking at me, waiting for me to say something. I just shrug and place my hand on his shoulder, "Just do as he says please, he's in a mood," I tell him, half apologetically.

"Whatever," he says quietly, prompting me to jog down the pathway to catch up to Dream who is walking in the direction of the lemon trees. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Well if Tommy is burning down trees to have more room for his base then I'm assuming he's moved in," he says, still looking straight ahead, walking quickly.

I walk at a half jog half-run pace trying to keep up with him because he has a much larger stride than me and is walking very quickly. "Dream...Dream!" I shout, trying to get him to slow down. I grab his arm causing him to stop walking and turn to look at me.

Evening Star *Dream SMP*Where stories live. Discover now