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When we reach the village center we see all the stalls set up everywhere, the village is bustling with life. There are children begging their parents to buy them treats and toys, adults arguing with each other over prices, trying to get the best bargain.

I haven't been here in almost a month, I missed it. "Venus, Dream! How are you folks? It's been a minute," someone calls out to us from one of the stands. I look over and see Oscar waving to us, good old Oscar, always harassing us to buy magic potions from him. Dream refuses though, he says potions aren't something to mess with.

We walk over to him, "Hey Oscar, how ya doin'?" Dream asks, reaching out and giving Oscar a firm handshake. Oscar is a short, little old man, with terrible posture, and scraggly grey hair.

"I've just finished brewing a batch of invisibility potions, you interested? They're fresh!" Oscar says, getting straight to the point. "Aw c'mon Oscar, you know I'm not interested," Dream says as if they haven't had this conversation a hundred times before.

Sometimes their arguments get a little heated, Oscar just won't take no for an answer, and Dream also had a very quick temper. I place my hand on Dream's shoulder and pull him back before the argument can go any further.

"You know Oscar, we don't need any potions today, but we do need to replenish our liquor stash," I say to Oscar, giving Dream a sideways glare. "Well I can definitely help you out there," Oscar says as he bends down behind his stand. I hear him rustling glass bottles around before slamming two large bottles up onto the table.

"Vodka or tequila? Or I think I might have some rum down here somewhere," he says, starting to bend back down again. "The vodka works perfectly Oscar, thank you," I say, not wanting him to keep rustling around down there for another five minutes, "Dream and tequila don't mix well," I say, winking at Oscar.

Dream elbows me in the side, "What?" I raise my eyebrows at him innocently, "it's true!" I say defensively, looking back to Oscar. I grab the small pouch of emeralds from my bag, "How much?" I ask, opening the pouch. "Well normally I'd say four, but for you my dear, only three," Oscar says, winking back at me.

"Oh Oscar, you're such a sweetheart," I say, acting flattered as I hand him the emeralds. I take the vodka off the counter and place it in my backpack along with the pouch of emeralds.

"Thanks Oscar, we'll see you later," I say, turning to walk away. "Always a pleasure Venus, come back soon," he says waving.

"What a creep," Dream says, annoyed once we're out of earshot of Oscar. "Be nice, he's just a crazy old man trying to make a living," I scold him. "Whatever," Dream mutters as he walks towards Christopher's archery stand.

"Dream, my boy, how are you on this fine morning?" Christopher asks as we approach his stand.

Christopher is my favorite of all the villagers, him and Meredith. He's such a kind man, always makes sure we have what we need before we leave.

"I'm good Chris, how are you?" Dream responds. "Oh you know, same old same old. But anyway, what can I do for you two fine young people today?" he asks, smiling at us. "Arrows, lots of them," I answer him kindly.

"Ah yes. Will two dozen be sufficient?" he asks, reaching down to grab arrows from under his stand. "Two dozen will be enough for me, I'm not sharing with Dream though," I whisper the last bit to him, covering my mouth away from Dream.

Christopher chuckles, "Very well, very well, here are two dozen arrows for you my darling." "Thank you very much," I say, taking them from him and sticking them with the remaining few arrows in my quiver. I place five emeralds on the counter.

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