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"We?" Dream asks, his voice steady and unwavering. ", friends and I," the man says, his hands still in the air by his face. I look over at Dream to see what he's thinking, but I can't tell, there's only a serious look upon his face.

"How many of you are there?" Dream asks. "Ten other, eleven including me," Wilbur answers. I raise my eyebrows, "Eleven of you," I start to ask, shocked, "in that one van?"

Wilbur looks over at me and nods before looking back at Dream. "We don't mean any harm, we just really need a home or a place to stay for a while...traveling around in this van with eleven people gets...cramped."

Dream lowers his sword so George, Sapnap, and I follow suit by lowering our weapons as well.

"We have a's not far from here. There's plenty of open space where you would be able to build. You're welcome to come to live there, but I want to meet everyone first," Dream says to Wilbur.

Wilbur lowers his hands and I see excitement wash over his face. "Yeah, that'd be...that'd be amazing, let me just go get everyone," he says as he walks back around the van and gets in the driver's seat.

I watch him through the passenger window, he turns around and starts talking excitedly to someone that I can't see.

A few seconds later, the van door closest to us swings open and several people spill out while some walk around from the other side. They all look so be around our age...all except for three of them, two who appear to be teenagers and one who appears to be a bit older.

I can tell that Dream is remaining alert...almost on edge, gripping his weapon, ready to raise it at any moment so I do the same.

Wilbur walks in front of the group, smiling, "Here I'll introduce everyone," he says as he looks to his group.

He starts with the one girl of the group who is standing on the end, looking down at the ground. "This is Niki," she looks up and I smile at her, but she quickly looks back down at the ground. I would love to have another girl around to talk to...Alyssa is usually too busy to hang out.

He continues over to the three men standing next to her, they're all wearing hoodies and jeans, and one of them is wearing an orange beanie, "This is Purpled, Fundy, and Punz," he says before walking over to the two teenage boys, "This is my brother, Tommy," the boy waves, "and this is Tubbo."

Wilbur continues to the last four members of the group, "This is Eret," he says, motioning to a man wearing sunglass, "Skeppy, Schlatt, and last but not least, my father, Phil." Wilbur finishes speaking and stands at the end of the group. I make eye contact with Schlatt and he winks at me. I quickly look away.

"What do you think?" Dream asks, looking over at me, George, and Sapnap. "I mean, they don't look altogether threatening now do they?" George responds. "I don't see the harm in letting them move into the kingdom...the nine of us could easily kick them out if they cause problems," Sapnap says.

"You know they can hear us right?" I ask the three of them. Dream looks back at Wilbur, "Can, I talk to you in private for a minute?" Dream asks him. Wilbur nods and the two of them walk a little ways away, where they're out of earshot.

Sapnap, George, and I talk amongst ourselves and Wilbur's group does the same. After about five minutes Dream comes back over and joins us and Wilbur rejoins his group as well.

"Okay. You can move into my kingdom. I'm Dream, this is George, Sapnap, and Venus," he says, motioning to us respectively. "You'll meet everyone else when we get there," he says.

Everyone in their group starts talking excitedly, I see the two boys, Tubbo and Tommy hug each other. Phil pats Wilbur on the back with a big smile.

"We've still got about a twenty-minute walk to go, you all can follow behind us, Dream says to Wilbur. He nods, "Alright, everyone pack it back up, just a little longer," he says to his group.

Evening Star *Dream SMP*Where stories live. Discover now