Chapter 10 "Broken Promise"

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Maddie's POV

I woke up and I'm not in my bed anymore. I'm in somebody else's room. It isn't one of the guys cause their rooms are like a tornado went through them. This room is neat and clean. The door opens and I see a few guys walk in.
"You don't need to be scared. Your brother needs us to babysit you for a few days he had an emergency meeting come up back home," one of them says.
"Who are you," I ask.
"Well my name is JC. That is Conor, Ricky, Kian, Sam, and Trevor," JC says.
"I'm Maddie," I say.
"We know who you are. Your all matt talks about. Plus we saw you in the Chandelier and Elastic Heart video. You were really good," Kian says.
"Until this happened," I say pointing to my leg.

Matt's POV

I wake up to check on Maddie. Poor kid. She must be in a lot of pain. I walk in her room and she is not there. The window is partly open and the close doors are open. She never leaves her room like this. I see a note on the table that says

Babysitting your little sister for a while. Until you pay us back the money you won't see her again.


I put my head in my hands and a tear slips out of my eye. How are we gonna get 20,000 by today. Oh wait we are rich.
"Guys..." I say. They look at my and their expressions softened.
"What's wrong," Cam asks. I hand them the note.
"We need to give them 20 grand by today," I say.
"That's not a problem," Nash says.
"But the problem is what are they gonna do to Maddie," Jack J asks.

"They won't do anything if they know they have Matt to deal with. She is the leverage so get the money and let's go to their house," Carter says. He was right. I can do this. I have to be strong.

Maddie's POV

These guys are nice. They are funny but I don't talk to them that much. I was sitting in the room watching Dance Moms reruns with Ricky and Conor when Matt bursted through the door.
"Hi Matt! I thought you dropped me off here for them to babysit me. They said you had an emergency back home," I say.
"Oh right. It was a false alarm. Apparently my dad was just drunk and they called me to come over for no reason," he says. I feel like he is hiding something.

I wanted to give the O2L guys a hug goodbye but Matt didn't let me. Why is he acting like this. He takes my stuff he prepared for their house and brought me outside, but rushes like he has somewhere to be. We get home within fifteen minutes I grab my crutches and sit on the couch. The guys start swarming me with questions.
"Woah! What are you talking about, I thought they were babysitting me," I say.
"They weren't they kidnapped you," Matt says.

"Is this some sort of joke," I ask. They look at me weirdly.
"You believe their word over mine," Matt says.
"It's not that but things like that are not funny. *mumbles* especially since you haven't paid attention to me in a while," I say.
"What was that," Matt asks.
"Nothing," I say.
"What did you say," Matt asks. His eyes darkened.

"You think that?" Matt says.
"You never show up to my competitions. It's always the fans first. The day I got the Sia opportunity. I called you and you didn't answer. You didn't even know I got asked to be on Ellen," I say.
"I understand that I'm not always there. But it's not like I can drop what I'm doing to see you dance. I have before. Remember Magcon? Jimmy Kimmel?," he says.

"I know you were there for those. But what about the promised you made when you found me? You said you will always be there for me. You'll protect me. You won't hurt me. I'm mentally hurt that sometimes I feel you don't even care," I say. He doesn't answer he looks down. I just go to my room.

Maybe he never cared.....maybe he just pitied me...

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