Chapter 1 "Intro"

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"Listen that baby is evidence put her up for adoption and make sure she goes away," my so called dad says.
"I'll put her up for adoption the others can't know she is alive. But her name will be Maddie Alexis Espinosa. I don't care if she comes back to me in the records but act like we don't know who she is," my mom says. That was the last day I saw my parents.


My name is Maddie Alexis Espinosa. I'm 10 years old. I live in L.A. (pretend all the Magcon boys are from L.A.) I have no home. No family. I ran away from the adoption center. I hate my life. The clothes on my back is all I have. I haven't eaten in days and scrap food is what I can get. I live on the streets. I have no friends. I only of my big brother Matthew Espinosa. The adoption lady told me about him. Apparently he is famous. One day I will find him. But I don't know what he looks like or how.

My home is a park bench near the park. I have no food as usual. I'm starving. I saw somebody drop a full bag of chips in the garbage and I grabbed it. I know it's gross but it's all I have. I savor the chips so I can still eat. I look up and thunder clouds are coming towards the city. It begins to rain. I don't care if my clothes get wet I am used to it. This is my version of a shower.

A half hour later the rain stops. It is night time and it is getting cool outside. I am cold and tired. I lay down on my side on the park bench and close my eyes. I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up and I'm in a bed in a hot pink room. It was my room back at the shelter.
"Maddie?! Maddie?! It's Matt where are you?!" Matt says. So that's what he sounds like. He runs in and I am now face to face with my brother Matt Espinosa. He is 7 years older than me.
"Matt? Are you Matt Espinosa?" I ask.
"I am. I am your brother. Mom told me about you. Your evidence that's all you are," he says and an evil smirk appears.

"No I'm not. Leave me alone!" I yell.
"Your evidence I must get rid of," he says as he begins to choke me. Black dots filled my vision and I black out.

End of nightmare*

I wake up and I was sweating. It felt so real. I want a home. I want someone to look up to. I want my brother.

Matt's POV

My name is Matthew Lee Espinosa. I am famous and currently 17 years old.
I belong to a group called Magcon and I have friend that I will keep forever.
I just found out some information that I cannot believe. I had a sister?!?! Her full name is Maddie Alexis Espinosa. My mom apparently 10 years ago was cheating on my dad and had her as a baby. She was at an adoption center all her life. My mom gave me the address and I went there to see her. I am beyond pissed.,
"Man this changes everything," I say.
"Don't worry buddy you still have the address. I can drive you there," Cameron says. I nod.

"Hello may I help you," the lady asks as we walk up to the desk.
"My name is Matthew Espinosa. I was wondering if my little sister Maddie Alexis Espinosa was here," I ask. Her face turns into a frown.
"I'm very sorry Mr. Espinosa, but she ran away a few months ago. We have her things in the closet. Would you like her belongings," she asks. I nod. My heart broke to pieces. I know I don't even know her but she is my little sister. My mom should have never done this.

"Here Mr. Espinosa. Here is the paperwork for her just in case and here is a picture of her that we took two days prior to her run away," she says handing me those things. I looked at the picture. Her bright blue eyes remind me of Nash. Her cute dimples remind me of Shawn. She looks so much like me but besides the eyes she is my sister and I know it.
"Sorry buddy. You will find her..." Cameron says.

"I know I will. I will look so hard that until I find her I won't give up," I say.
This gives me the determination to find my little sister. I will find her and protect her. I will do anything it takes.

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