Chapter 12 "Matty B,"

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Forgot to mention Maddie turned 12 in the story*

Maddie's POV

I met Matty B. He is so nice and he is my age. I really like him. But, what will Matt say? I don't know.
"Hey Matt do you want to come over my house today," I ask.
"Sure my dad could give us a ride," he says. I give his dad the address and he heads towards our house. I grabbed my bag from the back seat.
"Thank you Mr. Morris," I say waving.
"Anytime Maddie," he says.

I get my keys and open the door.
"The guys are probably at a fan convention so we can watch some movies or do video games," I say.
"Do you have the latest assassins creed," he asked.
"Yeah we can do that," I say. Living with all guys you have to know how to play video games. I put the game in and we play it for a while. He beat me obviously because he is a boy. I posted a selfie on my Instagram with him and the caption

'Hanging out with this guy. Mattybraps'

Matt's POV

The guys and I were at a time where at a party for youtubers when I see my sister posted something. It was of her and Matty our house.....alone!!!!
"Aww they look so cute together. Are they dating," Andrea Russett says looking over my shoulder.
"Not on my watch," I say. I get up and are almost about to leave.
"Come on Matt give him a chance. They are the same age. Plus she really likes him," Cameron says.
"She is too young to date," I say.
"So, if she likes him then give her a chance. You don't want to ruin it for her," Cameron says. He's right, I don't.
"Fine," I say annoyed.

Maddie's POV

"Maddie this day has been really nice. Thank you," he says.
"Your welcome. Here's my number," I say handing him a piece of paper. He smiles and hugs me. He gets in his dad's car and they drive off. I go back inside and work on dance routines. An hour later I fell asleep with the lights off with one lamp on. I was covered in papers with dance routine choreography and ideas. There was also my script for Austin and Ally.

Matt's POV

We get home at 11:30pm from the party and the lights are off. She must be asleep. We get inside and I look into the living room. There she was sleeping under piles of papers. I smiled. I walked over and took the papers off her. One of them caught my eye, an Austin and Ally script with her name on it. I can't believe she landed a guest star role. My little sister, a star. I put them to the side. She is getting so old. I can't believe it has been two years already.

I gently shake her hoping she would wake up. She groans and rolls over. I slightly chuckle and have no choice. I pick her up and bring her to her room. I put her under the covers and kiss her forehead.
"Goodnight," she says in her sleepy voice. She has a smirk on her face. I carried her for nothing.
"Your so sneaky goodnight," I whisper and go to my room for sleep.

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