Chapter 6 "Fame"

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Maddie's POV

I wake up and it is 7:30am. I take a shower, do my usual routine, and get dressed in a shirt that says 'take me to never land', black leggings and boots. I put a little white bow in the side of my hair. I grab my charger and phone and go downstairs. I see a text that is coming in from Sia that says
'Excited to meet you. Remember 9am colossal studios stage 9.'
I grab a banana and begin to do some stretches just to get warmed up. Matt and the guys have no idea what is gonna happen for this video.

I text Emma.
'Pick me up at 8:15 for the set it is colossal studios stage 9 our name is put it at the gate'
'Ok. Tell Matt you are going to the dance studio. Don't tell him until it comes out.'
'Ok. Bye.'
It is 8am and I hear someone come downstairs. I run to the recliner and curl up in a ball pretending to be asleep.

I immediately tell it is Taylor. They walk the lightest on his feet while the other guys are elephants on the floor. I hear him walk up to me. He gently shakes me.
"Maddie, Maddie are you awake," he whispers. I slowly turn around and pretend I just woke up.
"Yeah Taylor," I say quietly.
"I didn't know you slept down here. I just wanted to wake you up. Make sure you were ok," he whispers. I nod and stand up. Emma knocks on the door. I open it.

"Hi Emma are we ready to go to the studio," I ask.
"You guys are going to the studio," Taylor asks.
"Yeah we have something big planned next competition. Tell the guys we went to the studio," Emma says. Taylor nods and I grab my dance gear. We drive to the set. The guard lets us through and we park near stage 9.

We walk inside and I am greeted by Sia.
"Hi I'm Sia. You must be Maddie and Emma. I love your performances on 'dance moms'," she says. I shake her hand.
"It is nice to meet you too," I say.
"Your dance coach came here and she wants to help the choreographer. You have three hours and we begin filming after hair, makeup, and costumes," she says. I nod. I go to the choreographer and I see Abby here.

"Put your things on and let's get to work. This is Chelsea your choreographer," Abby says. I shake her hand. She guided me to the bathroom and I get changed. I come out and she teaches me the dance.

A few hours later*

"And action," Sia says. (I couldn't find one that would work so play the song is you have it) After filming*
They edited it and said hey will release it next week. I got pictures with Sia and me in my costume. I did some pictures alone since she doesn't like to show her face.

Matts POV

"Hey Matt I just had an idea. Why don't you let Maddie perform next Magcon. I mean she can dance why don't we ask Bart," Cameron asks.
"I don't see why not," I say. I text him and he says it's fine. I hear Maddie walk in the door.
"Hey guys I'm home," she says. She walks into the living room.
"How was practice," I ask.
"....Different I'm exhausted," she says.

Maddie's POV

Should I tell them or wait?
"Maddie Bart says you can dance at our next Magcon event," Cameron says.
"Ok. And I have the perfect song to do," I say. I am gonna do my dance to chandelier.

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