Chapter 14 "Never Letting Go,"

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Maddie's POV

I wake up to Matt shaking me. I thought he had a convention today. That's at least what he said.
"Matt I thought you had a convention," I asked.
"I skipped it just for you. I know I haven't been around lately and I want to make it up to you," he says.
"First I need to get dressed," I say. I take my shower and put on Abby Lee dance consent mid thigh shorts and a tank top with the word Dance on it. I go downstairs and Matt had breakfast made. We ate it and we walked into L.A.
"You want a piggy back ride," he asks.
"I thought you'd never ask," I say. I jump on his back and we walk to my favorite frozen yogurt shop.

After they spend the day together*

We get home around 2:30pm. He bought me so much stuff and we got ice cream like five times. The guys came home from MAGCON just a few minutes ago. He helps me with my bags to my room.
"Matt what's going on," I ask.
"What do you mean," he asks.
"We have never done this before. Why now," I ask. He sighs and sits down next to me on my bed.
"Maddie, my mother, well our mother wants to have you to herself. She wants to take you away with her back to her home. You may or may not leave after tonight. I didn't want to tell you because I wanted you to be happy one last time with me," he says.

I was fully shocked. How could he not tell me? I could have handled it. This brought tears to my eyes. I look to the floor and they start to fall.
"But I don't want to go," I stutter.
"Me neither. Come here," he says. I sit in his lap and cry. He rubs my back trying to calm me down. I cry and my breath hitches.
"Shh, take a breath," he says. Hayes comes to the door.
"You have visitors," he says sadly. I look at him in fear. He just lifts me up and carries me down the stairs. I can hear soft whimpers from Matthew.

"Matthew, may we ask to speak to you and in private. Please leave your sister with the others," the agent says. There was a cop behind her. Her badge says social services. I look at Matt and nod no. My breath quickens. "Please don't let go Matt," I say.
"I'm sorry Maddie," Matt says. Jack G takes me out of his arms.
"No!!! Matt!!!" I say trying to squirm out of his grip back to Matt. He goes into the other room and sits on the couch. The other guys were I cry harder.

"It's okay Maddie, please stop crying," Jack says.
"I don't want her, I want Matt," I say in between breath hitches.
"Shh it's okay," JJ whispers as he rubs my back. Shawn walks in with his guitar bag. Hs takes his guitar and starts playing some chords and I slowly fall asleep. I feel a blanket being put over my body.

Jack G's POV

I feel bad for the kid. Right now she was crying in my arms, probably getting my shirt wet, but I didn't care. She has every right to be crying and I know she is going through a lot. The guys thought if Shawn could play his guitar it could get her to sleep, it worked. Right now she was in my lap sleeping and the soft hitches started to die down. When Matt always has tough times and Maddie was in the dumps we would be here for her. We always were since the day we found her. I had to go to the bathroom and Taylor took my place and held her in his lap.

Taylor's POV

Matt was talking to the social service agent and his mother. The guys and I are trying to calm Maddie down and so far it is working. I am holding her in my arms and if I set her down she may wake up. None of us don't want her to be sad. Cause if she is Matt is and then we all are. We all were taking turns holding her. Matt always wanted us to help raising her and this is what we do to help.

Matt's POV

"Now, I understand this is her mother as well as yours. Mrs. Espinosa claims that she has jurisdiction over Maddie. She has the adoption papers here with her to prove she adopted her," she says. My mom hands me a paper and it was an adoption sheet. Thing is it was a fraud. Tears form at me eyes.
"I'm sorry Mr. Espinosa but Mrs. Espinosa has the rights to take her away," she says.
"I'm sorry it has to be like this," my mother says.
"Not exactly," the cop says.

"Excuse me," my mother says.
"I was the cop who found Maddie the day Mathew came to the station. I saw her in the mountains of Los Angeles and brought her here. Matthew even showed the sheriff the adoption papers. Therefore Mrs. Espinosa you are under arrest for counterfeit signature and Fraud of a child's papers. *he starts to cuff her* You have the right to remain silent. Anything you can say or do will be used against you in a court of law," he says. He takes my crazy lunatic mother away.
"I am sorry for the disturbance Matthew. Have a nice day," she says as she walks out. I smile.

Maddie's POV

A few hours later I wake up in the arms of........

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