Chapter 2 "Finding Maddie,"

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Three weeks later*

Matt's POV

I have had so much trouble sleeping knowing my little sister alone and cold in the dark gave me a bad feeling. I woke up and went downstairs and saw the other guys eating. We all
Live in one house. And j made sure they all know what she looks like if they find her.
"You look really tired Matt," Nash says.
"I couldn't sleep at the thought of Maddie alone and cold," I say.
"Well you could make a video and see if the fans can find her," Aaron suggests.
"That's a good idea," I say. I run upstairs and put my Cameron on the stand. I press record.

"Hey guys it's Matt Espinosa and I have an announcement. I recently found out I had a sister that I didn't even know about. Her name is Maddie and she is 11 years old. Here is a picture (he shows the picture in front of the camera)she was put up for adoption at birth and she went to an adoption center. But she ran away a few months ago. To all you fans out there if you can find her contact your local police. We thinks she is still in the Los Angeles area thank you," I say. I load it to my computer and edit it. I post it on all my social medias with the hashtag #helpfindmaddie which trended worldwide thanks to all of my fans. After that I went to the station and gave them her information and they said they will call or bring her to me if they find her.

Maddie's POV

I woke up and it is 9:00am. At least it's what the clock tower says. I walk into town and go for a walk. I see all these people around so happy and joyful.
Some with their families and it brought tears to my eyes. I kept walking until I reached the mountain trail I always go to.

I saw a police officer ahead of me.
"Hey little girl what are you doing here all alone?" He said and I froze.
"I.....I don't have anywhere else to go," I say.
"Are you Maddie Alexis Espinosa," the other asks.
"How do you know my name," I ask.
"Your brother came to the station today he is looking for you," he says.
"You know my brother," I ask.
"Not personally but would you like to see him. He misses you," he says. I nod. He leads me to his car. He talks into what I'm guessing is a radio.

"Station 1 it's car 53 I found the minor I will bring her to Mr. Espinosa address," he says.
"Clear to bring her there," the operators says. He starts his car and we drove off. He leads me to this big house. He brings me to the door. He rings the doorbell. A guy with bright blue eyes answers the door.
"Is Mr. Espinosa here we found Miss Espinosa," he says.

"He is upstairs thank you he will be so happy," the boy with blue eyes says and the cop walks back to his car and drives off. The boy lets me in.
"Your brother has been looking for you for the past three weeks. My name is Nash," he says kneeling down to my level.
"My name is Maddie," I say.
"I know who you are. The guys are out with pizza they will be back soon. I am the only one here. Would you like something to eat," he says smiling.

"Yes please. I haven't eaten in a while,"
I say. He takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen.
"Would you like some Mac and cheese," he asks. To be honest I don't know what that is.
"I would like to try it. The only food I have eaten is scrap food," I say. He smiles and started the boiler. A few minutes later it is ready and I ate it like my life ended tomorrow. I went to the couch and sat down. A few minutes later I heard a bunch of voices. I look over and the guys eyes widen.

"Maddie," one of them says. I think that was Matt.
"Matt....." I say. He runs to me and picks me up. He hugs me like j was gonna die tomorrow but to be honest I did the same.
"When I found out about you I swore to find you and not stop looking. I knew I would find you," Matt says.
"I knew you would. But your mom abandoned me. I was evidence....she got rid of me because she knew I would affect her life. I probably did," I say.

"No you did not. Because we are gonna take care of you. Tomorrow we are gonna get you some new clothes and take you to the doctor just to make sure your healthy," Matt says. I understand why I have to go to the doctors.
"I need some in really tired," I say. I really am tired though.
"you can sleep in my room with me," Matt says. I nod and he brings me upstairs. His room is big and so is his bed. I haven't been in one of those in months. He set me down and put the covers over me. He kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight Maddie. I love you princess.Sleep well," he says.

"Goodnight Matt. I love you too," I say. He turns off the light and I close my eyes. I fall into a sleep with a smile
on my face.

Matt's POV

I can't believe they found her. I am gonna take care of her and the guys want to help. I want her to have better memories and feel welcome. She is a part of our family. Even though she missed most of it we want her to be happy. I go downstairs.
"She is out like a light," I say.
"She needs sleep. We need to give her a happy childhood. Think of it as a new beginning. You found her and she is family," Aaron says.
"I just can't believe it. I never knew until a few weeks ago. But that is the past lets be in the present and look forward to the future," I say.

After about two hours we all go upstairs to bed. I open the door and she is sleeping. She isn't really under the covers anymore. I forgot she still had shoes on. She is so peaceful and beautiful. I keep my shirt on and take off my shoes. I take off hers and I slid under the covers. I drop the covers over her and she cuddles up to my chest. (Not in a creepy way but in a brother sister way. She is 10 so that would be weird in the other way.) I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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